Aug 28, 2010 13:37

This is going up later than I intended, but that's quite all right. Let's get the discussion moving for Catheryne M. Valente's The Orphan's Tales: In the Night Garden. Please note: this is NOT the discussion post for Palimpsest. That will be posted in a few days.

I did not re-read In the Night Garden for the sake of this challenge, though it would've been a joy to do so. When I read this book back in 2007, I fell in love with it. Not only does this book inspire me to check out Valente's other fiction, no matter how crazy it seems, but it's also the kind of book I want to read again and again, and one day, when my slushpile is down to a manageable level, I may just do that. :) As I always say, some people read The Lord of the Rings trilogy every year. Me, I'd like to read The Orphan's Tales instead.

My original review for In the Night Garden is here, and you're welcome to read and comment there. However, for the sake of this discussion, let's answer a few questions, shall we? This is especially important regarding the points system, and remember, this poll is ONLY for those who participated in the bonus/alternate portion of the challenge. If you didn't participate at all, do not vote. :)

Poll In the Night Garden

And even though this is a bonus/alternate, I did want to share some other reviews:

Libri Touches: Review Here
starmetal_oak: Review Here
temporaryworlds: Review Here

If you have a review you'd like to share, please comment with a link!

catherynne m. valente, blog: book club

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