VOTE: September Challenge

Jul 06, 2010 17:49

It seems that announcing challenges two months in advance is working out for some people, especially for those of you battling library waiting lists, so unless I get an outraged cry to STOP announcing these so early, let's move on to September's vote, shall we?

The theme: Theme-Centric Short Story Anthologies

September will mark the first-year anniversary of the book club, and I wanted to do something a little different. It may not be hugely popular as a theme, but enough people expressed interest in it and also, this theme is for all of you who really want to challenge yourselves. Not only will you be reading short stories, but you'll be reading several different author's interpretations of a theme.

Keep in mind a few things: some anthologies are made up of stories written specifically for said anthology. Other anthologies will solicit already published stories that fit the theme of said anthology, and some anthologies do both. Another thing to note, and while this may be obvious, I want to make sure it's said: just because you see a "2" in the title doesn't mean it's a sequel. it's an anthology, so a "2" or a "3" means the first volume was so popular they decided to do another volume.

The link giving you anthology info is going to be a little different this time around. There's the usual Amazon link, but there's extra too!

Interfictions 2: An Anthology of Interstitial Writing: Info & Authors//Amazon
Logorrhea: Good Words Make Good Stories: Info & Authors//Amazon
So Long Been Dreaming: Postcolonial Science Fiction & Fantasy: Authors//Amazon
Wastelands: Stories of the Apocalypse: Info & Authors//Amazon

This might sound evil of me, but I hope this is the hardest poll you've ever had to take for the book club. I hope that because this was one of the hardest themes to put together, because I like to think I don't waste my time on anthologies unless they're REALLY appealing to me, so I hope they're all EQUALLY appealing to you too! :)

Remember, pick the book that interests you the most. Even if this isn't your genre of choice, the idea is to challenge yourself. Read something new. You never know, you might like it. :)

And while this might be obvious, consider the following before making your selection:

1) Does the premise interest you?
2) Do the first couple of pages (if available) interest you? Or in this case, does the selection of authors tickle your fancy?
3) Do any of the reviews on Amazon (or elsewhere) make you reconsider?

Don't vote solely on the prettiest cover (tempting as it might be), and that's especially true if you don't plan on reading the book, because your vote dictates what others (like me!) are going to read for the challenge. And don't let the three questions above scare you out of a book, and don't let them convince you that you won't like any of them. The trick IS to challenge yourself, but I hope you're giving each book a fair review before voting. :) I want you to know what you're getting into if your selection wins!

Know what you want to read? Then it's time to vote!

Poll September Challenge

Please note, I will not vote unless it is to break a tie.

You've got until midnight, Tuesday July 13th to make your decision. Vote for the book that YOU want to read the most, and if you're torn, tough. You gotta pick one. :) If you've already read ALL of the books, pick the one you'd most like to re-read. If you're not participating, then maybe next month will bring something more to your liking. :)

I'll announce the official winner on July 14th, so don't pick up your copy (whether you buy or borrow) until I make it official. Unless, of course, all of these books are so appealing to you that you must have them all. In that case, have fun and start reading! :)

blog: polls, blog: book club

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