Book Bag

Jan 03, 2010 20:09

And here is the final book bag for my 2009 purchases. I didn't think I'd get any more between Christmas and New Year's, but as usual, I was wrong.

Something I'm considering for 2010 book bags: for starters, I'm personally going to try and cut back on the number of books I buy in order to make a serious dent in my TBR pile (which is ridiculous). That's not to say I won't buy any new books at all in 2010 (trust me, I will), but I'm going to cut back on the number of impulse buys. Which means, if I behave myself, it might make sense to make "Book Bag" a monthly feature. This way, you can see all the books I've gotten within the month rather than me posting so sporadically depending on when I get what.

However, the Book Bag feature seems to be popular, so I'd like your feedback. Would you rather me limit the Book Bag to once a month, or post it as I have been, which is essentially whenever I have four or more titles? I'd love your thoughts, so please let me know.

One note across the board for these four: they were purchased when I needed to order my 2010 "Bad Cats" daily calendar, and I chose these titles because Amazon had very pretty discounts on them after Christmas. They were already on my wishlist, but the discounts sealed the deal. :)

Asher, Jay: Thirteen Reasons Why (Amazon): I've heard mixed reviews on this, but I just can't resist the title. It's critically acclaimed, and my SHU colleagues had to read it for their residency read last year. I've got to see what the fuss is about. :)

Zusak, Markus: The Book Thief (Amazon): Another YA that's gotten a lot of critical acclaim, and I hear it's a historical at that. Color me intrigued. The cover's always gotten my attention in the store, so it was a no-brainer when Amazon offered such a lovely discount.

Larsson, Stieg: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (Amazon): The mother of a friend of mine recommended this book to me (I listened because she loved books that I told my friend to buy for her), and the cover is quite eye-catching. It seems to be getting a lot of attention (well, the whole series is), and since the mystery genre is nibbling at me to pay attention, I thought I'd oblige.

Ishiguro, Kazuo: Nocturnes: Five Stories of Music and Nightfall (Amazon): Reading Ishiguro's Never Let Me Go is a must for any reader, lit-fic and SF alike. I've always been interested in checking out more of Ishiguro's work, and this book looks like it might hit the spot. "Five Stories of Music and Nightfall" ? Sounds like music to this former music major's ears.

Andrews, Ilona: Magic Strikes (Barnes & Noble): Remember when I said I wished I'd had this on hand as soon as I finished reading Magic Burnes? Well, I had to pick this up the instant I went into the book store next, and fortunately, BN had one copy. Just one, so I was lucky. :)

Vaughn, Carrie: Kitty's House of Horrors (Barnes & Noble): But I was even LUCKIER to find Vaughn's latest, which Amazon won't ship until 1/4, at the store. In fact, it was the whole reason I went to the store to begin with, and when I didn't find it on the shelf, I tracked down an employee and explained that the store's website shows the book in stock and that I wanted it precious***, and she was happy to grab a copy for me from the back. Score!

*** = forgive me, for my hubby and I are re-watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy on DVD (extended edition), and I channeled Gollum there for a moment. :)

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