Maintenance Monday

Nov 16, 2009 15:47

DON'T FORGET!!! November's Book Club selection is Alaya Dawn Johnson's Racing the Dark. Are you looking for a fantasy that doesn't take place in the land of castles and dungeons? Interested in something different in regards to the setting, in regards to the magic? Then you've got to give this a shot! Details are here.

Have you voted?: it might be early, but the poll is open for the December Book Challenge and the theme is Classic Fantasy. Beagle, Dunsany, Ende, L'Engle? Which book will it be? You decide, if you vote here. You have until Friday!

Speaking of Challenges, the theme for January will be YA Futuristic Fiction. Stuff like Westerfeld's Uglies series or Suzanne Collins's Hunger Games books. But there's other stuff out there, so if you have any suggestions, lay them on me in the comments!

Also, did you see the latest Book Bag? It's chock FULL of stuff I'm looking forward to (except for maybe a few of my hubby's picks). Any you hope I read soon? Let me know here.

Recent Reviews: Foxfire by Barbara Campbell and Bitter Angels by C.L. Anderson

Upcoming Reviews: Stolen by Kelley Armstrong
Currently Reading: Racing the Dark by Alaya Dawn Johnson

Fun with Polls

Thanks to revolutionsheep, I sat down and tallied up the books I've read this year based on genre alone, just to see which genre came out ahead. It was close, but Science Fiction came out on top with 27 titles, whereas Urban Fantasy/Contemporary Fantasy came up to 21 titles. So I got to thinking: we're all probably primarily a certain TYPE of genre reader, even though we read other stuff. So sit down and think about all of the books you've read this year: which genre keeps popping up the most? Make a list if it helps! I'll even show you MY breakdown:

SF: 27
UF/Contemporary Fantasy: 21
YA/Children's: 12
Secondary World Fantasy: 9
Short Story Collections/Anthologies: 7
Literary/Regular Fic: 4
Horror: 3
Romance (including paranormals): 3
Mystery: 1

So what about you?

Poll Your Top Genre

blog: miscellaneous, blog: weekend update,

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