November Challenge: Racing the Dark by Alaya Dawn Johnson

Nov 01, 2009 11:38

Okay, I know the Frankenstein review is late, but I'll get it up today, I promise. :) But let's go ahead and get November's challenge underway:

After 12 total votes (what a sad turnout!!!), the winner for the November book challenge is:

Racing the Dark (2008)
Written by: Alaya Dawn Johnson
Theme: YA Authors of Color
ISBN: 9781932841442

It was a close vote. I'm sure most of you have never even heard of the author, but Racing the Dark has often been compared to Le Guin's fantasy, which I consider to be high praise. Remember: one of the points of the book challenge is to read books by authors you may have never have heard of otherwise, so be brave and give this a go, okay? Despite the few number of voters, I want an EXCELLENT turnout for this discussion!

Who can participate?

Anyone who's interested in the book. You don't have to have an LJ to participate in the challenge. Just read the book sometime in the month of November and then feel free to engage in discussion at the end of the month. Or, if you have a book blog of your own, post your review there and provide me with a link in mine. :) For your sake, I'll hold off posting my review until the end of the month so no one feels rushed to finish the book. I want people to read at their own speed and to enjoy themselves.

And as always, feel free to talk about the book challenge and encourage others to read what you are. After all, the more the merrier!

How do I participate?

Get your hands on the book. You can buy it new at the store or or Barnes & or at the Book Depository. Your local independent bookseller is good too. :)

However, if money's tight (and don't we all understand that?), you've got some options.

Buy it used: @ Amazon, @ Barnes & Noble, @, @ AbeBooks, @ Powell's

Find a book swap: @ LibraryThing (may need to be a member to access this); Other online book communities may also have a swap/giveaway option, so check them out! Also, if you have a copy of this book you don't mind passing along, comment TO THIS POST so people can get in touch with you!

Or go to your local library. Don't be afraid to ask your local librarian about interlibrary loan. Or if you're really brave, and/or have a good relationship with the librarian, see if they'll order a copy for the library. :)

Okay, okay, okay! But what about NEXT'S month's challenge? Taking suggestions for that?

You bet! For December, the theme is Classic Fantasy. What do I mean by classic? Well, think Tolkien's The Hobbit or Peter S. Beagle's The Last Unicorn. Ursula K. Le Guin's A Wizard of Earthsea or Madeleine L'Engle's A Wrinkle in Time. Stuff like that. I don't want LOTR, as that's too long, but I am looking for books you probably read when you were younger that's considered classic fantasy. Also, books that you probably already own and don't mind reading again, since December does bring about the holidays and a lot of people will be spending money on other people. So, got any suggestions? I expect LOTS of them, okay? Lay them on me!

blog: book club

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