Boyett, Steven R. (ACE Publishing): you know how I said that the day the FTC released its guidelines about full disclosure, I got a freebie from the publisher? Here you go! This was solicited on my part, because Steve Boyett commented to my review of
Ariel and we ended up having an interesting conversation via gmail. I screwed up my courage and asked if he had an ARC he could send me (while warning him I couldn't guarantee a happy, positive review), and he forwarded my request to the publisher, who said no, they had no ARCs, but they'd just send me the hardback instead. Sweet! How soon will I read it? I'll keep it close to the release date. :)
Cashore, Kristin (Amazon): normally, I get my books directly from the store. But that's a 45 minute drive, and September was THE month for new releases. When I saw Amazon offer the pre-order price of $9.74 (or something like that), I pounced. I loved Cashore's debut,
Graceling, to pieces, and I'm really excited about the companion novel, which I hear is a prequel. Consider this high on the pile.
Larbalestier, Justine (Amazon): excepting How to Ditch Your Fairy, I've read
every book Justine Larbalestier has written, including her nonfiction, critical texts. This book caught my eye for its premise, and it REALLY took the spotlight over a major cover dispute, which I will detail when I post the review (or you can read it
here). But in a nutshell, I wanted this book ASAP to make sure the publishers knew they made the right choice by changing the cover.
Priest, Cherie (Amazon): Cherie Priest has got to be one of my favorite authors EVER, and excepting Fathom (which I own, I just haven't READ yet), I've read
every novel she's ever published, even the limited edition Subterranean Press ones. Yeah, I'm that kind of fan (but not enough to track down all of her published short stories. I don't do that for anyone!). Picking up Boneshaker is a no-brainer for me, although it's part of the whole steampunk movement/sub-genre, which I admit is not my favorite thing in the world. But I love Priest's work, so we'll see!
Lamplighter, L. Jagi (Amazon): so
emerald_ibis and I have started up our bi-monthly book challenges once again (after a sadly long hiatus), and this is our September/October selection (I know, I'm late getting it).
emerald_ibis got to select this title from a list of newly-released and nontraditional fantasy, so we'll see how it goes. I'm both looking forward to this and fearing it, but hey, PRETTY COVER.
Bull, Emma (Amazon):
told you I'd buy it ASAP. After being charmed with both War for the Oaks and Territory, I just couldn't miss this one. Don't know when I'll get around to it, though. :)
Stoker, Bram (Amazon): so yeah, I know our October selection was Frankenstein, but I told friends of mine I was SURE you'd select either it or Dracula, and I already owned a copy I can carry with me of Frankenstein, but not so of Dracula (oh, we own a copy, but it's big and unwieldy). I really love the cover of this edition and want to read this particular intro, so even though it's NOT our October selection, I want to read it anyway, so I will. Eventually. Maybe this month? I have no clue. :)
I suspect this will be the last book bag for a few weeks, because as I mentioned earlier, September was a BIG release month for me, and October doesn't have too much in the queue. Plus, my birthday's at the end of the month, so I have to behave when it comes to making purchases. :)