Poll: New Features

Aug 01, 2009 18:15

I've had a few ideas that I wanted to run by regular readers of this journal, if you don't mind. :)

Over the course of this blog, it's been pretty much ONLY book reviews, with a giveaway here or there and the random, occasional announcement. But I've been debating on whether or not to add MORE features, something like author interviews, and/or maybe posting pictures of books I've picked up when I've gone shopping, with an explanation of why I picked them up and when I intend on reading them (and that might help out some readers who come over here for a certain genre and I'm stuck reviewing something completely different).

However, one of my pet-peeves with other book review blogs is when they stray too far from their roots and add MORE stuff that has nothing to do with the point of their blog. Like an urban fantasy blog showcasing books and comics that are science fiction, or a book review blog inserting personal entries between reviews. Admittedly, the NAME of this blog doesn't exactly scream "all book reviews, all the time!" but there is something to be said for expectations. For the people who read this blog for the book reviews, I don't want to betray that.

Obviously, one can say this is my blog and I can do whatever the hell I want (like what some of those other, previously mentioned blogs have done) and that's all well and good. But I feel that there's a certain contract between blogger and reader: if a blogger promises a certain thing, they'd better deliver.

That said, book reviews will continue to come as they always have: maybe one or two a week, depending on my own personal schedule. For that matter, I've got two books waiting for review right now!

But for the times in between, it might be interesting to add something else. The only two ideas I've got are author interviews and that "new book" thing I mentioned previously, so I'd really like your opinions. Take the poll below and select all the options that appeal to you as a reader of this blog, and if you have other ideas or concerns, please feel free to mention them in the comments. :)

Poll Other Features

Thanks for your help, and I really look forward to your responses!

blog: polls, blog: miscellaneous

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