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maggiedr May 8 2009, 14:08:26 UTC
It's been so long since I read this that I've forgotten the details. I bought it immediately when it was released in hardcover. I do recall admiring Hand's prose and her courage in creating a non-sympathetic protagonist.

I think I understand your magical realism yearning, although I didn't have the same expectation. I think that *might* come from having read her short story when we were at Odyssey.

There were a couple things that affected me strongly. One was the photography details, which I enjoyed because I recall that era of camera technology. I even talked my husband into reading it for the camera details alone. Anyone who was into photography in the 70s would probably find it interesting.

The second powerful aspect was Cass's age and generation, because I am a Baby Boomer. Liz Hand and Cass are the next generation and I can recall the rift when us Boomers realized there was a whole new group of disenfranchised younger folks growing up behind us. This is a subject that I've always been interested in discussing with Hand, and I thought permeated the book. I hope someday I will.

It's been a hard book to handsell at Borders, although I ordered in several copies when it came out. I understand your difficulty in reviewing it.


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