I work at two holiday camps. My prime job keeps me going without stopping, in the six hours I am there, I don't get a break. My secondary job (same company) is a smaller job at a smaller camp. There is almost nothing to do other than keep an eye on the stock, serve customers, clean up and cash up. I have two separate bosses of the shops. The boss in the smaller shop said, 'there's not much to do bar babysit it - you can read the newspaper or magazines if you like.'
I should have known differently.
The boss who is above the two shop boss (their boss, if you like) has a surveillance cam in every shore in the south west- NOT to scrutinise the shop floor, or check for shoplifters, but actually trained on YOU, the cashier, to make sure that you are not dipping in the till/questioning shoppers for ID/doing your job. Anything out of line (he can scan the shop to see if there are any gaps in the shelving), he can and will phone to complain. So, rather than phone me, he actually sent a boss from one shop to another to tell me to stop reading the papers. I was shocked - he knew that I sort out customers, rotate stock, clear up etc. and have a professional face for the customers, I would never read in front of them. This is only in snippets and between customers. I also thought it was OK because the boss of the smaller shop had said it was OK. I felt humiliated, but if I say what my boss had said about it being OK to read, I will drop her in it and I am not a snitch. I took on this part of the job as a favour, so they didn't have to recruit someone else. I needed the money, but truly regret this now.
His motto is 'if you haven't got anything to do - find something to do.' He needs to see that you are doing something, anything. 'Like what?' I said, 'take a look around you - I've done it all. He's seen me do it all. Cleaning shelves/mopping floors etc. There IS nothing left.' She said, 'I know.' I am now a nervous wreck, as I have to make a job out of essentially nothing. It also appears that he doesn't want us to call our immediate bosses if you need to query anything. That basically if we are all doing our job properly, then we don't need to ask for help. He frowns on people sitting down at all, so I go into the stockroom so I'm not always being gawked at and being judged. Not even allowed to look bored/mutinous when the customers are not there.
I am so churned up about this. I have had tummy cramp and felt sick all day, while his all-seeing eye is locked onto you. I don't think I can take this much longer.