I haven't touched this subject for at least two months as other modules were pending. I now find myself having to recap what I did and even though I have 2,982 words (with some of it missing - which worries me a bit). I am focusing on The Robber Bridegroom and The Bloody Chamber, but will throw in a bit of Dickens' Captain Murderer (his was really good!) and maybe some others enroute. Tomorrow will be about making notes on the stories chosen.
As of tomorrow, I will have 11 days left. Somehow, I will have to fold some of my IAS around that time, possibly when I get bored of Bluebeard and need to plod on with something else. Re the IAS portfolio, the stories have been written, but need adjusting, before they are dispatched with and a 2,000 word reflective commentry written. Right now, I have to make the mini dissertation my focal point.