Extenuating Circumstances Granted

May 28, 2015 20:05


Because of my husband's ongoing treatment, I have been granted 14 extra days for extenuating circumstances and will be able to get the whole of my coursework out.  THAT will take the strain off a bit - thank you college and staff. 2,482 words done.  Now I have a lot of hacking and rewriting to do, on what will be my 4th draft.  Get the whole of this done by the weekend and I will be one happy bunny.

Back to study :-)

OK - have got hold of more useful quotes, mostly from Lyotard and some from Baudrillard - even good old Nietzche and McLuhan get a look-in.  However, Derrida does my head in - there is no academic way of saying that. When you start to see the words 'centre', 'structure', 'destructure' repeated again and again - in fact multiple times within a paragraph, you are in danger of losing yourself down the rabbit hole that is Postmodernism.  Pass me the sick bag, Alice (with apologies to Sir John Junor).

fda english y2, post modernism, grindstone files - year 2, new tech

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