Lots of catching up to do...more drama than Maury Povich

Oct 15, 2008 12:38

Okay, where should I start with catching up on this journal?
I haven't written anything too personal in it in almost a year or so.
Well, I moved to Rochester, Minnesota.
Just in time for the cold winter, which sucked.
I had to live in an art space, which wasn't zoned for residency.
I had a shady landlord though, who turned a blind eye to it.
It was an old building, so the power went out almost every day.
There were places in the walls where the morter had chipped away, and you could see daylight through it.
So when the power failed, the bitter cold came right through those cracks.
It was a nightmare.
But there was a roof over our heads and I was glad for it. There were other families staying there, we later discovered. I still wonder about them every day and hope they found new places to be.
We didn't have a car, so we had to bike everywhere. In sub zero weather, in the rain and cold.
Pixie was a trooper.
We didn't live there long. I found a semi-decent apartment and we lived there for six months.
I was never so grateful for heating and reliable electricity in all my life.
I bought a five hundred dollar car, and we never had to bike in the cold again.
After that I moved in with some friends/coworkers who had a house.
One of them, we will call him slim shady here, since no one deserves the nickname more, was buying the house.
It was me and Pixie, Slim Shadys' fiancee, whom I will call Lenore since sheloved Edgar Allen Poe. There was also her brother, who will go by Dub. If you know what a dub is, then you will know why.
Also living with us was a boy who became my best friend here, whom we will call Jemo.
I only bother to name these people, because they are possibly re-occuring characters.
After we moved into that hosue, I found the best day care in Rochester, for Pixie.
She liked going in every day and learned so much.
I had an awesome job, my roommates were like a family, I was free of HIM, and for a time we were very happy...

How I came to live in that house is kind of a weird story. I'll backtrack.
Living here has been like living in a made-for-tv-movie.
My co-worker, we will call her Ho-mama...met HIM and didn't like HIM. Do you remember HIM? It's been a long time.
To refresh your memory, we will call HIM my Evil Ex. We were together again for a short time while I was living in this town.
He hurt me. And I later found out he cheated on me too.
I know.
No one is surprised.
Anyway, after a very serious fight, I was afraid and I showed her my bruises and begged her to call Jacob if I ever didn't come in to work.
I was concerned he would abduct Pixie, as he threatened to do. It was the only reason why I had said anything. The loser didn't work, so I was planning on having to make a quick escape to a womens shelter, here.
But she told everyone I worked with.
That night, was Dubs birthday.
All of my coworkers were there.
They invited us all over but when we got there, they jumped on HIM.
I couldn't go home with HIM, so they invited Pixie and I to live with them, and offered us their protection, and that's just what we did.
HE was so afraid, he left town. I still get calls and emails from HIM, though.

Most protective of all was Jemo.
I still don't know why.
They call him the Gentle Giant, here.
He is six foot three, built like a foot ball player, with the biggest heart you could imagine.
He stayed on my couch 'til I got out of my lease, and helped me pay off that lease so I could move.
He was at my side constantly after we moved into Slim Shady's shack of lies.
He moved out before we were all evicted.
But we worked together, so I would see him all day.
He took Pixie and I to dinner, after work, every single day, and by the time I made it home, he was already calling or texting me to be sure that I was safe.
I always wanted a brother.
I guess this must be what it's like.

Enough back tracking.
Slim Shady apparently had warrents.
None of us knew.
Two counts of child abuse, bad checks, and such.
He had also been pocketing all of the money that we gave him for rent and bills, and writing more bad checks to cover it all up.
Imagine our surprise when he was arrested after a routine pull over.
And our continued surprise when we discovered that we were all about to lose our home after he took our money and spent it on...what? We still don't know.
Lenore found out she was pregnant with his child, after she found out he would be going to prison.
Jemo and I still aren't sure if she knew what he was doing.
She was going to take him back after all of it...makes you wonder.

After being evicted and fired (I don't wish to discuss why I was fired because it involves drama that I didn't even want to get into. Teary eyed drama. Personal drama.) within days of each other, and having to send Pixie to live with her daddy, I was falling apart.
Jemo came up with the money to get a 2 bedroom apartment, and asked me to be his roommate.
He is helping me out until I can get a job.
I'm still looking, and actually have two interviews tomorrow.
Wish me luck!
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