ok, so as you might have guessed, i got an A on that stupid exam. yay. i really dislike the italian university nonsystem, but maybe it's just because i'm set in my ways. i studied and knew SOO much info and i barely got to give the prof a glimpse of it because the exam was so short. she asked me really weird questions, too. AND she asked me about the only museum i didn't go to - the visit i slept through when i was sick! ahhhh! oh well, i got my A, i never have to think about another museum for the rest of my life if i don't want to, and now i've got all this jeopardy/who-wants-to-be-a-millioniare trivia lodged in my head that i can pull out at a cocktail party to sound sophisticated or something someday. woot. in short, i am happy.
better still: i went to venice on saturday and all i can say is VENICE IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL AND WONDERFUL CITY IN THE ENTIRE WORLD AND I LOVE IT AND WANT TO HAVE ITS BABIES! i somehow managed to take 131 photos in a matter of 6 hours. i actually liked it better than new orleans carnival. i bought the coolest venetian carnevale mask ever! it was really cold in the morning, but i just got me some 2euro hot mulled wine and whee! no more cold! hot mulled wine! hot mulled wine! one a euro, two a euro, hot mulled wine! i even have a kickass purple stain on my white glove from some wine i spilled. best. stain. ever. i did not manage to make it through the day without getting felt up by an italian man, but at least in venice i got felt up by an italian man in a period costume. (the only days i've managed to make it through without some form of harassment from an italian have been those days where i didn't leave the house. maybe that's a slight exaggeration...) i cannot wait to go back to venice. i love venice. i love venice. i love venice. i love venice.
today is the first day of classes for the second semester. wtf, it's february 20th. i already when to my first class and i totally made a bella figura (good impression). at the end of the class the teacher asked the class what we know about Petrarch. no one was saying anything, so i called out "1304-1374" (his birth/death years). everyone kinda looked at me funny. the teacher says to the class, "this signorina is american and she knows more than you." then she grilled the class about Petrarch a little and finally said "come here, american girl.... now tell the class a little about Petrarch." and that's how i ended up standing up in front of the whole class on the first day, microphone in hand, explaining in italian to a bunch of 3rd year italian university students that Petrarch was born in 1304 in Arezzo, he died in 1374, he spent his whole life in Tuscany and was one of the three major italian writers (along with Dante and Boccaccio) that contributed to the tuscan dialect becoming the main italian language. he was responsible for a specific type of sonnet with a particular meter/rhyme scheme. ........ if i hadn't been so damned nervous about being up there with the microphone, i might have said that his philological interest in ancient greek and roman texts contributed to the beginning of humanism/the renaissance, but i think the rest of the class already hates me enough. i think the prof likes me, though. i chatted with the girl sitting next to me before class, too, so hopefully we can study together or something later. my next class starts in about 30min, so i'd better get going!!
aside from the fact that the weather bites today (it hailed on me!!!!), i'd have to say that things are getting better and better all the time! or, as we say in italiano, sembra che tutto vada di bene in meglio!