Morris cocks his head to one side and looks at Fonkin curiously, perhaps unused to being so politely addressed by strangers. He caws and hops a little, as if waiting
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Chloe winds her way through the tavern's large stables, dropping half the flowers in Helgass' horse's trough and stopping to feed the rest to Daisy, patting the mule's head lightly as she has seemed somewhat perturbed earlier, but Daisy seemed fine now, she munching away on the fresh greens. Reaching into her pocket, Chloe pulls out her napkin and the enclosed slices of ham and profers a few to Spot in the next stall over, placing them on one side of the feeding dish in the stall.
"I have no idea if you like cooked meat, but I figured I should offer something fresher than the usual stablefeed to our fine lupine warrior," she says to the wolf, not entirely sure if he would understand any of her words.
She steps into the stall next to Spot's and is eagerly greeted by a griffin the size of an adult golden retriever. "Deuce, look what I brought you!" After a brief hug, she presents her beloved pet with the bulk of the ham slices swiped off of Helgass' plate, which Deuce makes reasonably short work of.
Chloe stands and brushes herself off, getting ready to get leave for her things upstairs when Deuce makes an odd mewing sort of sound. Looking down she finds that Deuce also has a present for her in his beak--a disturbingly large rat with suspiciously long teeth. It was covered in what appeared to be its own blood, as it looked like Deuce had been pawing/chewing on it a bit, but it was large enough that there was no question; it was a dire rat. There shouldn't be any of these in town, much less in the stable where they might impart disease to the horses through their bites.
A quick looking over told her that Deuce had been unharmed in the encounter. Pocketing her concern as easily as she pocketed other peoples' valuables, Chloe smiled and patted Deuce for being a good boy and took the rat with her. It would be something to show the others when she met them outside.
"I have no idea if you like cooked meat, but I figured I should offer something fresher than the usual stablefeed to our fine lupine warrior," she says to the wolf, not entirely sure if he would understand any of her words.
She steps into the stall next to Spot's and is eagerly greeted by a griffin the size of an adult golden retriever. "Deuce, look what I brought you!" After a brief hug, she presents her beloved pet with the bulk of the ham slices swiped off of Helgass' plate, which Deuce makes reasonably short work of.
Chloe stands and brushes herself off, getting ready to get leave for her things upstairs when Deuce makes an odd mewing sort of sound. Looking down she finds that Deuce also has a present for her in his beak--a disturbingly large rat with suspiciously long teeth. It was covered in what appeared to be its own blood, as it looked like Deuce had been pawing/chewing on it a bit, but it was large enough that there was no question; it was a dire rat. There shouldn't be any of these in town, much less in the stable where they might impart disease to the horses through their bites.
A quick looking over told her that Deuce had been unharmed in the encounter. Pocketing her concern as easily as she pocketed other peoples' valuables, Chloe smiled and patted Deuce for being a good boy and took the rat with her. It would be something to show the others when she met them outside.
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