Home 6/?

Feb 09, 2009 12:07

Home 6

“Here we are”

Izzie had been so excited about coming to L.A. with Addison that she hadn’t anticipated how she would feel walking through the door of Addison’s house. Looking around she took in all the personal touches, things that were absent in the hotel room in Seattle. There, the pictures on the wall were generic, landscapes and various pictures from around Seattle. The hotel room was almost sterile with just a faint hint of Addison, a lingering scent of her perfume, a jacket left out. Here, it was all Addison. As Addison led her room to room Izzie noticed more and more, modern area rugs covering hardwood, shelves filled with books and various items, orchids in each room, contemporary paintings hanging through out, ones that Addison had obviously hand chosen to impact the room. There was a feeling of comfortable elegance that spoke directly to Addison’s personality. She knew Addison was talking to her but the words were muffled as Izzie continued taking it all in. Walking towards the double glass doors that led to the deck, Izzie was taken aback by the view before her.

“So, this is my favorite part of the house, being able to come out here after work and just sit and watch the sun over the ocean is always so calming. You know it was out here that I decided I needed to come back to Seattle…” Looking at Izzie, Addison saw that she wasn’t listening. “Iz, where are you? Are you okay?”

Finally hearing Addison, Izzie looked up into concerned eyes. “I’m fine Addison, this is just all so… beautiful. So you. I know you had said you had a house here, I just… well I don’t know what I was expecting.. It’s more than house Addie, it’s a ….”

“Hey Addison, your home.”

Turning at the voice from behind her Izzie heard Addison responding.

“Hi Sam, yes I’m back, for a few days at least.” Taking Izzie’s hand into her own Addison led her over to the wall separating them from Sam. “Sam, I would like you to meet Izzie Stevens, Izzie this is Sam. Sam not only works with me at the practice but he is one of my oldest friends.”

“It is very nice to meet you Izzie, even though I understand we are losing Addison to you.” It was said with a warm smile and not intended to upset but for some reason Izzie couldn’t look him in the eyes as she just nodded in response. Then turning to Addison she excused herself, saying she was going to lay down before they had to go out, and before Addison or Sam could respond she was back through the glass doors and on her way upstairs. “Was that my fault? I was only playing with her Addison, I didn’t mean to upset her.”

Looking at the spot Izzie had disappeared from her sight Addison answered, “I know Sam. I don’t know what that was, neither of us have gotten much sleep though so I am sure that is it, but I am going to go check on her just in case. I will see you later in the office.” As she walked the same path Izzie had just taken Addison turned once more to her friend, “Thanks for watching over this place while I was away, the plants are actually still alive.”

“It wasn’t a problem. Addison, please if I upset her, apologize for me.”

“Of course, Sam. See you later.”

‘Well that was stupid, way to go Stevens, make yourself look like an ass to first person you meet here. He didn’t mean anything by it you know that.’ As Izzie stood in front of the mirror in the master bathroom she continued berating herself and didn’t hear Addison enter the room behind her. It wasn’t until she felt arms wrap around her and feather light kisses on her neck that she looked into the mirror and met once again concerned blue eyes.

“Are you okay Izzie? You haven’t been the same since we got here. I know it didn’t come off right, but Sam was really just joking with you. He didn’t mean any harm Iz, he is happy for us. Sam and Naomi were the first two people I called when I made my decision to stay in Seattle. Sam was thrilled for us Iz, even though it meant I would be leaving the practice.”

“I know Addison, I was rude. I’m sorry. I am really just tired I think.” Turning in Addison’s arms so they were now face to face, Izzie rested her head against Addison’s shoulder, “Do we have time to just rest for a bit before going anywhere?”

Still not convinced that Izzie was telling her the complete truth Addison decided to let it go for now. “Of course we do, we don’t have to be anywhere for a few hours. Follow me, let me introduce you to my bedroom and more importantly my bed.”

Izzie hadn’t paid much attention to the bedroom when she had first walked through it, now she was seeing that it was more of the same. It was all Addison. From the colorful throw pillows to the sheer curtains. As she laid down and allowed Addison to wrap her arms around her, Izzie was again overwhelmed with the same feeling she had upon entering the house. In Seattle, Addison never had a place like this. When she first came to Seattle to save her marriage she stayed at a hotel, then moved into the trailer with Derek, only to then move back into a hotel when they divorced. Even now, when she knew she was going to stay in Seattle she was still staying in the hotel. This was no hotel, this was not even just a house to be sold. Addison had come to L.A. and made a home for herself. This was Addison’s home, would she really want to leave it? As she felt Addison shift closer and nuzzle her neck she knew what the feeling she was having was, fear.

It seemed hours had passed as Addison woke up still wrapped around a slumbering Izzie. Glancing at the clock she noticed she had only slept for little over an hour. Propping herself up onto her elbow she looked down at Izzie, even in sleep Izzie had held Addison’s hand to her breast, her head tucked down so her lips were touching Addison’s fingers. Following from the hand that held hers Addison’s eyes traveled up to where Izzie’s shirt had moved aside leaving a bare shoulder, which led her eyes to the expanse of neck not covered by blonde locks. Without thought of control Addison bent her head and moved her lips to the soft skin. Placing kisses from the shoulder to the nape of Izzie’s neck. The brief taste of sweetness from Izzie’s skin caused Addison to crave more, intensifying her kisses to include licks and small nips, intended to awaken and arouse her sleeping lover. Addison was quickly rewarded as she felt kisses begin on her fingers. The hand that had been held to Izzie’s breast was now being turned over and a soft tongue was moving over the pulse point at her wrist before each finger was drawn into and then slowly pulled out of a warm mouth.

Shifting herself so that she was half under Addison, Izzie looked up into desire filled eyes. Reaching up she placed a hand on each side of Addison’s face and as Izzie pulled her closer, it was almost a plea Addison heard whispered, “Make love to me Addison.” For her answer Addison hungrily kissed Izzie and proceeded to slowly follow the plea. Removing their clothing she began to worship Izzie’s body with her hands and mouth. Sensing Izzie needed this Addison put all her love into every touch, every kiss. Taking time to touch and taste every inch of her body until Izzie was trembling and crying out in pleasure. It wasn’t until the last tremor left Izzie that Addison moved back up her body to whisper words of love in her ear and hold her until her breathing slowed back to normal.

It was a few minutes before Izzie began talking. “I guess we should be getting up and dressed, huh? You have to go into the office soon don’t you?”

“Yes, I do.” Not knowing what was really going on with Izzie, Addison wasn’t sure if she would want to accompany her to the office. “If you are still tired you can stay here, but I would like you to come with me if you want. I told Naomi we would meet her for an early lunch. However, after that I was thinking we could go do some shopping and maybe even some sight seeing before dinner tonight. What do you think?”

Hearing uncertainty in the normally confident voice Izzie answered quickly. “Of course I want to come with you. I’m sorry about earlier Addison, I was really tired, and I will be sure to apologize to Sam when I see him, he seems really nice.” Izzie couldn’t bring herself to tell Addison about her fears, simply for fear she was right. “Maybe it was just the plane ride, I don’t know. So, got anything here you think could fit me? I am sure what I brought isn’t suitable for this office of yours?” TBC…

fan fiction, home, addison/izzie

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