Home 1/? - Follow up to One Moment

Jan 26, 2009 09:18

Home 1/?

“It’s been two weeks since you passed out Izzie, when are you going to come home? You can’t possibly still need all the silence you get at that hotel room.” Meredith knew it was more than silence Izzie wanted at Addison’s but she couldn’t resist nagging her friend. “You know I could always move Lexie out of the attic and into your room if you have no need for it now that…” Meredith let her words trail off as she looked up from her lunch at Izzie and realized that the blonde wasn’t even listening to her. Following Izzie’s line of sight, Meredith let out a sigh. Striding across the cafeteria looking elegant in her 3 inch heels, black pencil skirt, red silk blouse under a white attending’s jacket, red lips forming a slow smile, and a set of piercing blue eyes that were directed at Izzie was Addison Montgomery. “Well, okay then. I guess I will try talking to you at another time.”

Addison had reached the table and without taking her eyes off Izzie she greeted Meredith, “Hello Meredith, how are you today?” With an exaggerated roll of her eyes, Meredith took one last look at the two women and rose to leave, “I’m fine, and now I am off. Gotta get back to my patient. See you later Izzie, maybe at home?” Not receiving an answer Meredith just shook her head and walked away. She was still unsure what to make of this new relationship between Izzie and Addison. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to see Izzie happy, it was actually nice to see Izzie happy again, it had been so long. It was just that it was with Addison, and she had a history of hurting the ones who fell for her. She and Derek had talked about it and once he got past the shock of his ex-wife being with another woman, he seemed thrilled. ‘Thought it made sense and that they seemed happy together‘… he had said. Well, Meredith did have to agree, looking over her shoulder at the table and seeing the way Addison was looking at Izzie, they did seem happy.

“Have I told you today just how beautiful you are and that you take my breath away Isobel Stevens?” Watching as a slow blush crept up the resident’s cheeks, it still amazed Addison that she was here and that it was her words and actions Izzie was reacting to. Maintaining eye contact with the younger woman Addison couldn’t help but continue in a low seductive tone, “I want to touch you, I want to run my hands all over your gorgeous body until you are begging me to take you like last night.” Now seeing brown eyes dilate to black in desire and hearing a glitch in Izzie’s breath Addison decided to play with the resident a bit. “So what is the real reason Meredith left? Is it me?”

“What! Addison, how can you go from wanting to touch me to talking about Meredith? Seriously! That is just, well it is just wrong.” Giving the now laughing attending a push Izzie continued, “Just so you know Montgomery if you want to continue keeping us quiet you better stop looking at me like you were a few minutes ago. Or the whole hospital is going to figure it out. As for Meredith leaving, didn’t she say something about having a patient? Plus I think she is getting a bit annoyed with me, she was talking about how I haven’t been back home in two weeks.”

The thought of Izzie going back to stay at Meredith’s stopped Addison’s laughter. “Do you want to go back to Meredith‘s?” Addison couldn’t bring herself to call it Izzie’s home, even though she knew that was exactly what it was. Being able to come home to Izzie or have Izzie come home to her got Addison through the day. They had chosen to keep their relationship quiet from the majority of the hospital for the time being, so for the most part when they were at work they kept a friendly distance. It was only around the few who knew, Miranda Bailey, Derek, and of course Meredith, that they could be themselves. So Addison treasured every minute she had with Izzie at the hotel, away from the hospital.

“Well, I guess I should at least go by and get a few things.” When Addison had asked her about going back to Meredith’s Izzie had turned her attention back to her lunch, not wanting the attending to see the disappointment on her face. She was quite happy at the hotel with Addison, but maybe Addison needed time to herself, “Maybe even spend a few nights there, Meredith is threatening to give my room to Lexie now as it is.” Looking up from the table in front of her, Izzie didn’t miss the sadness that flashed quickly across Addison’s face.

Standing up from the table and stealing her emotions Addison’s answer was brief, “Okay Izzie, if that is what you want to do. I have a surgery, so I won’t be getting out of here until later. If you don’t get a chance to say bye, I will see you tomorrow.” Addison was in motion before Izzie could stop her. Walking away, Addison knew just how stupid, childish even she had just been. Mentally berating herself she continued through the cafeteria and towards the elevators, not realizing that Izzie had seen though her façade and was following.

“Or you could just pick me up at Meredith‘s when you are done here.” Izzie’s voice was just above a whisper as she stepped up behind Addison in front of the elevator door. “I mean I would say just stay with me there, but well that could be awkward…. What with your ex, my ex, not to mention Meredith and Lexie, so I just figure… pick me up when you are done.” Seeing a smile start to spread across the attending’s face Izzie continued as they stepped into an empty elevator. “I don’t want to spend the night away from you Addison, and unless I am wrong, I don’t think you want me to either.”

Closing the distance between them Addison captured Izzie in a fiery kiss, leaving the young resident breathless as the elevator came to a stop. Stepping out of the elevator, Addison turned to hold the door before it closed, “ I should be done by 7, I’ll pick you up after that, be ready for me.” Exaggerating her last statement with a perfectly raised eyebrow, Addison smiled as she let the door close with a dazed Izzie still inside. With a smug smile Addison turned towards the nurse’s station and her awaiting charts. Standing right behind her and blocking her way though was Richard Webber, chief of surgery…

“Addison, I think it is time you and I have a little chat.”

fan fiction, home, one moment, izzie stevens, addison montgomery, addison/izzie

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