One Moment 7/?

Jan 12, 2009 14:35

One Moment 7

Addison Forbes Montgomery had never been one to let anyone take control of her, never. It simply wasn’t done, until this very moment. Addison could do nothing but take in Izzie as the young woman pulled her ever closer. What was really just a matter of seconds felt like a lifetime as Addison started at the slightly messed blond hair, down to eyes that to anyone else may just seem brown with hints of green around the irises, but to Addison they were a lifeline. Continuing the path down Addison was enthralled by the t-shirt that clung tightly to Izzie, so captivated that she didn’t even realize her hand had reached out to run its fingers from the exposed collarbone down to trace the outlined breast, watching as the nipple hardened before her causing Izzie to moan. Still of its own accord her hand found its way to the curve of a hip. The sweats Izzie had on sat low and allowed Addison a glimpse of skin so smooth her fingers had to feel, grazing across Izzie’s midsection her fingers stopped and traced circles around the most perfect belly button she had ever seen. Feeling the trembles, and hearing the quickened breath from Izzie caused Addison to tear her gaze away from what her hand was doing and look into eyes that had darkened with want.

“Please Addison….” With those two words Addison was in control again, the kiss that followed was one of want and need, lips against lips, tongues sliding over one another. As Izzie wound her fingers in the satiny auburn hair Addison began a fiery trail of licks and nips down along her neck to the collarbone her fingers had moments ago explored. As her hand pulled away the Hello Kitty t-shirt, Addison’s mouth followed the curve of Izzie’s collarbone to her shoulder. The fingers that were still tracing the belly button returned to the curved hip and began their travel back up, this time sliding under fabric feeling the tight muscles under soft skin ripple with pleasure only serving to fuel the exploration. When Addison’s fingers found their way back to Izzie’s breast her mouth became jealous as she felt the nipple once again harden at her touch. Needing to be closer to the heat radiating from Izzie, Addison broke away from the blonde’s neck and shoulder. Looking into the desire filled eyes before her Addison used her free hand to begin pulling off the now offending t-shirt. As the opposite breast became visible it was only seconds before Addison had her mouth at the nipple, tracing her tongue around it, flicking it, and softly sucking it into her mouth, moaning as she felt it harden against her tongue. Izzie was lost, the sensations Addison was causing to run through her body were unlike anything she had felt before. She was trembling so severely she didn’t think she could stand much more of this sweet torture and still remain standing. With her hands still in the red hair she could only pull Addison closer for support. As if knowing what Izzie needed, Addison removed the fingers still on her breast and wrapped her arm around the blonde’s back.

KNOCK KNOCK..”Room Service!” Startled once again the two women jumped. This time however Izzie let out a growl of frustration, that even as Addison was trying to get her own lustful feelings settled, made the red head chuckle. “I can’t believe you are laughing! Seriously Addison! Go get dinner brought in here, and get back to it!” The outraged look on Izzie’s face and this statement just made Addison laugh harder, which earned her a swat on the ass. “ Go Addison, now!” “Well okay, but you may want to adjust yourself before I get to the door,” Addison threw over her shoulder, causing Izzie to look down at herself half naked and quickly pull her t-shirt back into place just as Addison opened the door and allowed the tray of food to be brought into the room. Quickly thanking and tipping the attendant, Addison ushered him out of the room and turned back to Izzie, who was still trying to calm her breathing however her eyes were still filled with desire. “Hungry Izzie?” Addison asked, with a raised eyebrow and a slightly husky voice as she walked back towards the blond. “For you, yes.” Izzie answered until Addison was standing before her with the scent of food following her, causing her stomach to growl with actual hunger. Looking down at her stomach and then sheepishly back up at Addison, Izzie asked, “Umm, just what did you order for dinner? Cause it smells really good.”

“Come on, sit down and eat. Like I said before we have all night Izzie, and you do need to eat.” Addison took Izzie’s hand and led her to a table in the room just big enough for two people to eat at. “I didn’t know what you would want so I just had them bring up an assortment. You have burgers and fries, pizza, nachos, fresh fruit, and salad? Anything sound good?” “All of it, actually. I didn’t realize how hungry I really was. Sorry Addison, I don’t mean to ruin anything.” The look of sincerity and doubt on the young woman’s face broke Addison’s heart. Kneeling down in front of her, Addison took Izzie’s hands and looked up into her eyes, “ Please don’t apologize to me, you have nothing to be sorry about. You passed out twice today, you weren’t allowed to eat so you could go through a bunch of tests, I have no idea how long you had been at the hospital before that. Add on top of all that, this thing with us and I am surprised you are not already asleep.” As she continued to look up into the eyes that held her future Addison saw tears start to glisten.
“What is it Izzie?”

“Is that all this is for you? A thing? I just need to know Addison, I have missed you so very much and I know I should have understood after the quints, we were going to be together you promised, but I was hurt and stubborn. And then you left. I haven’t been able to forget you Addison, I have tried, believe me I have… but it is you, only you I want. I love you, I am in love with you Addison and if this is just ‘a thing’ for you, please tell me now so I can walk away with some pride.”

As Addison continued to listen to Izzie she felt her own tears flowing down her face. “Listen to me Izzie, this is not just a thing for me. I have never forgiven myself for what I did to you, to us, with the quints case. I have also never been able to forget you, you woke me up Izzie. Made me realize what I wanted, what I could have. I ruined that. Maybe I should have tried harder after the quints, but I just figured you needed time and space. So I went back to life as it was hoping one day you would once again look at me the way you did that night in the entryway. Then came Denny and I, well I just assumed you moved on. From there it just got harder for me to be around you. When he died and I saw the pain you were in it broke my heart. Then George, yes I knew it was George you were talking about. I just couldn’t take it anymore. I was trying to get over you as well Izzie. Derek, Mark then Alex. Even in LA. But nothing, no one worked. You own my heart Izzie, if you will have it, it is yours.” TBC

fan fiction, femslash, izzie/addison, izzie stevens, addison montgomery, addison/izzie

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