One Moment 4/?

Jan 06, 2009 08:55

One Moment 4

The feeling of soft fingers on her face, butterfly kisses on her forehead, and a musk tinged with vanilla scent that was purely Addison were the first things Izzie became aware of as she started to awaken after passing out in the hospital hallway and into Addison Montgomery’s arms. Before her eyes could fully open though a voice whispered in her ear, “Don’t fall for it Iz, remember she left you by choice, I didn’t. I died.. And now I am back for you”. Denny. He was still here? Why was he here? Here she was lying in Addison Montgomery’s arms and Denny was still talking to her, why?? Without realizing it, Izzie answered Denny softly, but loud enough for Addison to hear, “Please, please leave. I can’t take it anymore. I don’t know why you are here, but what I do know is that I don’t love you and I can’t take you being here any longer. Whatever this is or has been stops now, please.”

The words that whispered out of Izzie’s mouth were like a splash of cold water in Addison’s face. With her lips still on Izzie’s forehead Addison froze as she listened to Izzie speak. She didn’t want her, she didn’t love her. So much so that she actually wanted Addison to leave. Holding in the tears that were threatening to fall Addison gathered up enough strength to put on a brave face and look at Izzie. What she saw in the young resident’s eyes scared her. It was as if Izzie wasn’t even looking at her, but through her. As Addison tried to get Izzie’s attention to ask if she was okay to stand the resident began speaking again this time right over Addison’s shoulder, “go Denny, please leave, just go.” Any thoughts Addison had about Izzie being okay to stand left her as Izzie passed out again in her arms. Denny? Izzie was talking to Denny? What the hell was going on? “Izzie, Izzie please wake up.” The normally reserved attending had lost all composure at this point, tears running freely down her face, her emotions all over the place. “Get me a gurney now! And page Shepard!”

The residents and the chief had all heard Addison’s cry for help and at once they filled the hallway looking down at Izzie passed out in the attending’s arms. Miranda Bailey was the first to reach Addison’s side and help her up as a few of the residents lifted Izzie onto the gurney that had finally arrived. As quietly as she could she asked, “ what happened Addison?” Not able to take her eyes off Izzie being rolled down the hall and into a room, Addison answered as best she could, “I don’t know Miranda. I don’t know. First she passed out for brief moment, then when she came to she began talking to, well she began talking, and then she passed out again.” “Who was she talking to Addison? You?” Bailey asked. Not knowing if she should tell Bailey who Izzie had been talking to kept Addison quiet about that detail for now and she simply replied, “ I don’t know. But I have to get to her Miranda, please.” Seeming to understand Bailey started them both down the hall to the room they had moved Izzie into. Derek Shepard was already in the room examining Izzie. As he finished he turned to Addison, “Welcome back! Only a few minutes here and already trouble has started. Great Addie, just great.” To anyone else this may have seemed harsh, but Addison saw the small grin and when Derek opened his arms she leaned into them with great appreciation. “ Is she okay Derek? Please, tell me.”
Still embracing his ex-wife Derek smiled, “ Well nice to see you too. And from what I can tell she will be fine, just needs a bit of rest. I am having her sent for an MRI just to be sure, but I don’t think we will find anything there.” Releasing Addison he looked down at her, “Really Addie, it is good to see you, and I am happy you have decided to come back for awhile. I have to get back to another patient, we will catch up later.” Turning to look at his intern as he began to leave the room, “ be sure to page me when her results are back in.”

As the intern continued with Izzie, Addison sat down in the chair next to the bed and just gazed at the now peaceful looking Izzie. Bailey never being one to miss anything watched with fascination as she saw the concern and love shining in Addison’s eyes. “ We really don’t have anything here for you today Addison, why don’t you stay here with Stevens and make sure she gets the attention she needs. For some reason I think you might be just the right person for that job, you also might just be the person she wants to see when she wakes up.” Hearing the sincerity in Miranda’s voice, Addison just gave her friend a grateful nod and turned her attention back to the resting blond.

A short while later Addison was startled when a young faced intern entered the room. “Hi, you must be Dr. Montgomery, I have heard all about you, I’m Lexie Grey, and I will be taking Izzie down for her MRI. We shouldn’t be gone long, why don’t you go stretch your legs and get some coffee, you look exhausted.” All Addison could do was chuckle a bit, “ Grey, huh? As in Meredith Grey?” At the intern’s nod Addison continued, “ How is Meredith these days? I haven’t seen her since I have been back?” “Oh, she is fine, you know Derek moved in with her a while ago, they seem to be doing great now.” “Well, isn’t that something,” Addison replied with a grin. As Lexie was preparing to wheel Izzie out she looked back over her shoulder at the attending, “ Really, we will be at least an hour or so, you should take a walk, get some fresh air or something.. You don’t look too good. I will page you when she is back in her room.” This time Addison actually let out a full laugh, and holding out her hands in surrender, “ Okay, okay Lexie Grey, I will go for a bit. Be sure to page me though when she is done.”

Figuring coffee was her best bet, Addison headed down towards the cafeteria only to be met once again by Miranda Bailey. “Okay Addison, you want to tell me what is really going on with your return to Seattle Grace? I have seen the way you look at Stevens, and what I want to know is this… Are you going to hurt that girl? She has been through enough and doesn’t need you flying back here to break her heart and then leave again.” If anyone else had spoken to Addison in such a manner she would have lashed out at them, but this was Miranda, and Addison knew she was just looking out for the young resident. “I love her, Miranda,” Addison spoke softly, “ I have for a very long time. I came back because I want to see if she returns that love and if we can have a chance. I will do everything in my power to protect her, not hurt her in anyway. On that you have my word.” Hearing and feeling the true emotions behind Addison’s words, Bailey had only one response, “ Okay then, coffee?” And with that the two old friends went to a table where Addison began to fill Miranda in on her time in LA, and the moment she made the final decision to come back to Seattle Grace.
Now awake and on her way back to her room, Izzie was a tad confused as to what had gone on. She looked up at Lexie and asked, “ Is Dr. Montgomery here?” “Yeah, she is and she is waiting for me to page her once you are returned to your room.” Izzie smiled at the interns response and then had a thought, “Could you please not page her? I will page her myself when I am ready, I just need a few minutes to myself.” The scared look on Lexie’s face made Izzie laugh, “ Don’t worry, you won’t get in trouble Lexie, I promise. I will handle Dr. Montgomery.” “Well okay Izzie, if you say so” Lexie answered nervously and left Izzie alone in her room.

After a few moments to be sure she was alone Izzie whispered, “Denny, Denny are you here? I know you are. We need to talk.” “Hey Blondie, about time you woke up, now move over so I can get in there with you.” “No Denny. You need to leave, for good. I am asking you to leave. Addison is here, she loves me, and we both know I love her. Please Denny, go. Don’t make this any harder on either one of us. I don’t know if I will ever understand why I have been seeing you, but it is time for it to stop.” “Aww, Iz come on? Is that what you really want?” Denny didn’t need Izzie to answer him, he saw it in her eyes. “ Okay Izzie Stevens, I wish you luck with your redheaded woman, but if you ever need me again, just call my name and I will be there for you.” As Denny spoke the last few words he faded away and Izzie knew this time, he was gone. Before paging ’her redheaded woman’, Izzie took a moment to calm herself and try to smooth her unruly blond hair. “Ahh, the hell with it” and with that she grabbed the phone to page for Addison….TBC?

fan fiction, femslash, addison/izzie

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