vote vote vote!

Oct 10, 2008 21:14

Given then fact that the majority of my county is repoublican you'd think i wouldn't be shocked to see a lot of McCain/Palin signs around my neighborhood, but infact it's just the oppossite. i apparently live in a liberal part of town. really i shouldn't be that suprised, i do live 2 blocks from the city college. But what did suprise me is the ONE lonely house with a "Yes on Prop 8" sign in the yard. Now i'm all for respecting someone's freedom of speech. But apparently someone else was not because the sign promptly went missing the following morning when i drove by.

Prop 8 is straight up DISCRIMINATION. the commercials for a yes vote make me want to vomit.

Anyways, i officially started recieving sample ballots this week so it looks like my voter registration actually went throught this time. yay! now i'll get to permanantly vote by mail and will probably also start recieving jury duty notices.

My landlord started replacing my roof the other day. Murphy likes all the activity outside. It gives him something to bark at. My back porch looks like a tornado hit it because they just did the demo. hopefully it won't rain! i do not appreciate rain indoors thankyouverymuch.

PS, i googled "mestboard" tonight. i didn't know there was a facebook group? wtf mate! oh well i don't go there anyway. it seriously took me back to the countless, mindless hours i spent on there, laughing, making and meeting great friends. i don't think anyone in my real life will ever truly understand it but that's okay. they aren't meant to. goodtimes.
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