I'm starting not to feel bad about my lack of writing recently, or I guess not so recently anymore. I have a hard time making myself do something unless something ground breaking forces me to do so....and the things that tend to drive me internally are success, art, pain, and love. Although I'm practicing all but one of those, pain is almost an essential entity for my writings. Almost essential, I'm working on it though. It feels so great to be out of school, I'm FINALLY able to concentrate on what I want to do, develop my craft, and best of all I can explore more. For the first time, like ever I have guilt free time. Now THAT'S amazing. I'm currently trying to improve many aspects of my life and it feels SO GOOD, and I can actually feel the progression. Seeking God, asking questions...it's only the beginning, and beginnings are beautiful. My fitness regime is something I'm finally excited about, I've been running and swimming and hiking...lol, and taking LOTS of pictures. I started a website with some my photo's and manip's if anyone wants to check it out
HERE. (scroll down to deviant's gallery) I'm so inspired everyday, there is so much amazing art in this world that's created on a daily basis. Chris infuses brightness so much within, he makes me feel so loved each and every single second that goes by. I feel beautiful and confidence, I swear, overflows this body; it's all consuming externally and internally. I can taste success. I'm happy and although saying that, scares me almost, I am; in this day I'm trying to appreciate each and every moment*. This time, and always.