Jun 28, 2004 00:06
OMG... tonite was pretty exciting lol.... so unlike i said before it was def not a movie nite haha, i went to ash's house and then me and ash and nikki and vikki went to vikkis house to pick up these two guys who are ashleys friends. Then we all headed over to the haunted overpass place and andrew and phil met me there. So phil did the whole throw a rock at the wall and listen for a bunch of rocks to fall after that... if u dont know the myth then ur probly really lost right now... anyways it TOTALLY worked which is really freaky. so then after hangin out there for a lil bit we decided we wanted to go to gravity hill. OH man this is were it getsumm interesting. so all start heading out towards tracy on patterson pass looking for the hill... ashleys gas light turns on so we have to turn around and get gas cuz there was no way we were gonna make it all the way out there, so we lost the ppl in the other car for a while after we turned around, then we get the gas... well I get the gas cuz ashley doesnt know how!!!!! anyways once again we start heading out to gravity hill. There are some really scary lookin houses out there and the guys just kept talking about the chainsaw masacre lol and ash was flippin out!!! ya its kinda scary drivin with her!!! (sorry ash but it kinda is!) and ya we finally caught up with the other car of ppl and then we made to gravity hill.... It is sooooo freaky u put ur car in nuetral and it pulls u up the hill NOT DOWN.....UP!!! weird and u go actually pretty fast!! that is freaky!!!!!!! anyways that was a trip so we just followed the road out and stopped at a gas station cuz now vikki needed gas lol word of advice ALWAYS MAKE SURE U HAVE GAS IN UR CAR BEFORE U GO OUT ON SCARY BACK ROADS lol anyways we took the long road back into livermore and ya theres other little details in there but ya'll dont have to know everything (wink wink) ok im waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay tired and i gotta be up waaaaaaaaaaaaay early haha so im off to sleep