dad is in mexicao right now but is getting back today he was gone for the whole weekend. i had to drive enerybody around so basically i was sober the whole weekend which was eh pretty shitty. friday i met up with my homies frm login and they came over and one of them ended up spending the night which was cool b/c........hes cool.............yeah i like him.........hes likes me yeah that typr os situation. but the problem is i had to work at 8:15 the mext day and my dumbass didnt go to sleep b/c we talked all night and than i had to take him home at 6:15am not cool!
he says he really likes me and i like him problems:
- he has not even given me his phone #
- i havent given him mine
- the only way we talk to eachother is through his friend who likes me
- the whole me being white and him being a mexican is problem to him which i really dont understand
- he lives kinda far away(in the ghetto)
- i dont think hes over his ex-gf yet
the good things: we like eachother alot and he said there is goin to be a future but i dont think he exactly knows what he wants right now, which is cool b/c most of the guys i do meet dont and well i dunno i just want it to work out really baddlky b/c hes such a sweetheart and i really like him but he keeps telling me that the whole me being white and him being not white is "really trippy" and he cant believe that i like him b/c hes.....i dunno GUYS ARE SO CONFUSING!!