I'm told that when you add the name of your first pet, and the name of the street you grew up on equals... your pornstar name!
1.Carlos: Scruffy Floyd
2 Aria: Lucky Kensington???? Oooh, that's Hot!
3. Matt ~ Buck Camden ... Yeah baby!!!
4. Michelle - Tootsie Lamb
5. Mark - Jumper Beatrixlaan (hmmmmm doesn't work with Dutch streetnames i'm guessing here!)
6. Brian- Duke Best....lol...that's right :o)
7. Adam - Diamond Wolf...hmmmm
8. Lynne - Brandy Valerio (lmao)
9. Sierra~Brandy Lawson :o)
10. Jeff ~ Bud Ellis - no to bad...
11. A*p*R*i*L* ~ Honey Zelzah
12. Alex ~ Nipper Massone ....wtf (Nipper was my famous pet rat...he was on the Jenny McCarthy show on MTV)
13. Dennise: Medusa Plaza( my first doberman and lived in sunset plaza, funny thing was sunset was loaded with hookers back then...LOL..)
14. Rock "D": BJ Western (BJ-my first Golden Retreiver- I loved)
15. Jennie - Pearl Starr (Pear - The only cat I ever had as a pet)
16. Chad - Brighteyes Hacienda...mine makes no sense...
17. Erin- Sheena E. Tennessee
18. Paul - Q. ~~ BoGzKi HUMPhrey hahahah!
19. Mandi~ DUTCHES RITA....lol, hahaha
20. *~~Lisa~~*---> Huggies Nellis....i guess.!!lol
21. *Crystal*/ TieBud Forest .......Lmao Ok that sounds great! (I Guess!?)
22. *Mastermind* --> Lucky Hanger....LOL it sounds like I crooked
23. Dee - Sassy Kingwood...LOL I sound retarded!
24. Kip - Amanda Harrison - oh shit I'm a gay porn star! lets switch to the second closest my cat! Rossie Harrison... eak!
25. Dan ~ Slick Albright
26. ~Monica~ Fluffer Jefferson
27. TIm---Mister Sunnydale
28. Jenny--->Babette Brindie
29. Johnny ---- Plucky Powderkeg, haha oh shit watch out I'm gonna blow!!
30. Kajol--- Smokey Olive
31. Carlie~~~Smokey Olive, Zephyr Olive (cant be the same as my bro )
32. Jenny--- Lucy Obert
33. Jaime--- Howdy Obert- mine sounds more like a western movie! and apparently i'm related to #32 ...