Nov 02, 2004 19:00
AHHH I’m so mad right now! Perris always blames me and Emily for everything! If she hears someone say anything about her right away she says Emily or I Said it! And we don’t! It’s so frustrating! I like Hannah and she is the greatest friend someone could have! But now that Perris like hates us completely! I have a feeling we won’t be seeing much of Hannah anymore! That kind of suck! God being teenager brings people with a lot of drama! So Hannah if your reading this I hope we can still hang out! If not well I guess that’s okay I mean Perris is your best friend. So yea. Anywho so yea the presidential election is still going on right now and Bush is winning!!!!!!!! YEAHHHHHHHHHH!! Well umm I guess that’s it for now! Luv ya guys bye!