Jan 27, 2007 12:11
So last night I was at this party right...and like was totally in this conversation ya...and like you know...we were all talking about stuff...
Sorry...I just typed the first part of that and thought it sounded very valley girl and decided to go with it...I shall continue in normal voice...
I was involved in a conversation that somehow turned to the subject of "stuffing"...one of our compatriots actually changed into some tight exercise pants in order to better his DDR game (yes I'm serious) and he was rather...shall we say...present...
The subject of "stuffing" inevitably led to the subject of David Bowie in Labyrinth...as all such discussions tend to lead...and we suddenly realized why Mr. Ziggy Stardust felt the need to stuff a whole package of tube socks down his pants when he was in a children’s movie...the answer is...it wasn't tube socks!!! It was an underutilized Muppet which had to be cut out of the movie!!! Think about it...in "The Power of the Babe" you have little Muppet Goblins popping out of every thing in that entire room...except David Bowie's Pants! Now do you think the makers of this fine film could possibly have overlooked such an obvious place to stash another Goblin!? No! The answer is they put one there...and somewhere in the song he was supposed to spring out and sing a verse of "Dance Magic Dance..." or perhaps even "Dance Magic Pants...". But the damn censors made them cut this ingenious bit out!
So you see! All this time we were wrong! How dare we think it was David Bowie's vanity causing such an odd shaped bulge to become an oft discussed and totally distracting portion of this movie classic! We should instead be railing against the censors for keeping the genius of David Bowie's Singing Pants Muppet from us for all these years!
Anyway...that is all...just had to share this startling revelation with you all...