Oct 31, 2004 15:01
-X-Wow..long time no see! -lol- I never have time to update this thing anymore, it's kinda sad. Well, not really that I always don't have time, just when I do have time I'm too lazy to update. -lol- So there's tons of stuff to say ... -X-
-O-10-0!! We BeAt NorthWest Whitfield Friday night 42-41 in double overtime! It was AwEsOMe!! I thought I was gonna have a heart attack but it was really exciting! We're undefeated for the first time in LFO history! Playoffs start next Friday, I dunno who we're playin yet but it's at Finley I think. I really hope we do good in playoffs this year. We lost the first playoff game last year, so I'm hopin it turns out better this year. Go WaRrIoRs!-O-
-X-HaPpY HaLlOwEeN!! Most people celebrated last night but still! I heart Halloween. My little cousins dressed up and I went trick or treating with them and then went to Tyler's house for a while. My cousins were so cute! Chelsie was a Genie, Jori was Bell from Beauty and the Beast, and Emi was a little sunflower. They're so adorable! I got really sick of walking around though, so I came home and Tyler came and got me when he got off work. We just went to his house for a while, it was fun though. Amanda went to the Haunted Cavern and she said it wasn't really worth the 15 bucks. She saw a girl there though and her name was Erica and she kept saying her knee hurt! That's weird! -lol- Hope everybody had a good time!-X-
-O-My and Tyler's one month is Wednesday! It really doesn't seem like it's only been a month. I mean we've been talking since like August, but it really feels like it's been so much longer than that. Not that that's a bad thing, cuz really it's a good thing, but you know. -lol- I love him so much. He's so increadibly great. He really makes me happy, for the first time in a really long time and I have no idea what I'd do without him. He means everything to me and he treats me better than any guy I've ever met. He makes me feel like no one in this world matters but me, and he has no idea how much I love him. I know all this is all mushy and stuff but I don't care cuz he makes me feel like I'm on top of the world and everyone should know. -lol- I love you Baby!-O-
-X-Me and Sarah fiNaLLy went to SiX fLaGs Sunday!! OMG! It was So MuCH fUn!! We've tryin to go since like May and we finally went! We rode ThE gEoRgiA sCoRcHeR..GeOrGia CycLonE..ThE NinJa..BaTmAn..MiNd BenDeR..AcRoPhObiA..that stupid MiNe TrAin -lol-..CanYon BlAsTeR..ScReaM mAcHiNe..SuPeRmAn..and that's all I can think of. -lol- I think that's all though. And we took two rolls of film and the pics were really good! We had a blast! I spent the night at her house Friday night and then she came home with me Saturday and we went on Sunday. We watched .TwiStEd. and .ThE siXtH sEnSe. Those are really good! We hadn't seen .TwiStEd. and she hadn't seen .ThE siXtH sEnSe. and I hadn't seen it in a really long time. -lol- I heart her! We have so much fun together!!-X-
-O-I wanna adopt a little kid. Not like a real kid of my own, but you know those things on TV where they ask you to sponser a kid half way around the world? That kind of adopt a little kid. This group, Rhyme & Reason, came to my church today and sang and then talked about World Vision, which is adopting those kids. And I really really wanna do it, Dad said maybe. I got online and started looking at some of the stories and cried cuz it's heart breaking. I mean I'm just a big sap, but those kids are pitiful. It's only $25 a month and that's not gonna hurt us. But I dunno. I guess we'll see.-O-
Well..I guess I'm gonna go..i HeaRt yOu GuYs!!
*...You are my love*You are my life*My heart and soul*The truest friend I've ever known*You are my world*All of my dreams*My fantisy*My reality*I love EvErYtHiNg YoU aRe...*