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Jun 09, 2009 15:58

Top 10 Ways to Provoke a Geek Argument

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Top 10 Ways to Provoke a Geek Argument
By Matt Blum June 9, 2009 | 8:00 am | Categories: Armchair Geek, Electronic Geek
Geeks, as a general rule, are pretty easy-going. We like to think things through, so passionate confrontations aren’t commonplace for us. When we get well and properly provoked, though, watch out! We won’t stop talking until every last point that we can think of has been made at least twice. So, what do you say to provoke a geek? Glad you asked!

10. “No real programmer would ever use PHP.” - This won’t work for every geek, of course, but for those it works on, it should work really well.

Yes, this is, of course true. PHP is OK for small projects but for large ones it's stupid.

9. “Comic books are just for kids!” - I’m sure you’ve heard this one before-I know I certainly heard it often enough in high school, and even though it’s even less true now than it was then, I’m sure comic book afficionados still hear it today.

8. “Role-playing games are just for people who can’t deal with real life.” - There are, sadly, still a lot of people who think anyone who plays D&D must live in his parents’ basement and bathe once a month. Such people must be put straight, and immediately!

7. “The Pirates of the Caribbean movies are so realistic!” - I doubt many people actually believe this, but there are an awful lot of misconceptions about pirates out there, so you never know.

6. “Yeah, I got an Xbox 360 so my daughter could play Hello Kitty games. Is it really good for anything else?” - We’ve hit the ones that are hard for me even to type, now…

--Yeah, these are pretty straight forward.

5. “Mac, Windows, or Linux? Does it really make a difference?” - An argument so old its original form was probably first written down in hieroglyphs, I know, but I don’t know a single geek it wouldn’t work on-myself included.

*Incoherent gurgling and growling noises coming from me.*

4. “The Ewoks were the best thing about the original Star Wars trilogy.” / “Greedo shot first!” - I couldn’t decide between the two. If one doesn’t work, I’ll bet the other one would.

3. “Tolkien? Ehhh, I prefer Terry Brooks!” - I almost feel like I should argue with myself just for writing that. I’m going to let the top two stand for themselves.

Meh. I care not for ewoks nor who shot first in Star Wars. As for Tolkien/Brooks? Meh.

2. “Joss Whedon is a hack!”


1. “I don’t see what’s so bad about DRM!”

Fine, let me just take the rest of your rights away, you obviously don't need them. You're not using them anyway.
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