..it involves time and time fascinates me...
10 years ago today: Getting ready for my last year of law school. Working as a patent clerk at Honeywell and hating every minute of it. Preparing for Fest because I'd gotten back into it.
5 years ago today: Working at Fourth Generation and dealing with post-traumatic stress from Ancept. FG was a great place to work, really professional. Ancept was not.
1 year ago today: Settling in to new position at NMDP (having been laid off for 4 whole days in May) and loving it.
Yesterday: Worked. Took care of the campaign treasury. Daemonaquila suffered from really bad headache.
Tomorrow: Probably work.
One Year From Now: Living in San Antonio, new job, new life. Focusing all this pro-bono time into LCF instead of everywhere else.
5 snacks I enjoy:
chocolate chip cookies
5 songs I know all of the lyrics to:
Johnny Jump Up
Existential Blues
The Rainbow Connection
The Rose and the Briar
5 things I would do with 100 million dollars:
- Pay off my debts
- By RenFest from the prick who owns it
- Establish the Delta Foundation ("Promoting Chaos, for a change") which would esnure the longterm health of LCF and support other Environmental causes/politics. Hire my friends into well-paid positions that fit their talents and support my agenda.
- Develop new businesses that fit Green/pagan ethics. Hire my friends into well-paid positions that fit their talents and support my agenda.
- Run for Senate
5 places I would run away to:
The Rockies
The past
5 things I would never wear:
Ummm... I've been seen in a chainmail bikini and fishnets. What wouldn't I wear?
5 favorite T.V. shows:
Babylon 5
Dead Like Me
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Malcolm in the Middle
Stargate SG1
5 bad habits:
LJing at work
not exercising
5 biggest joys:
my cats
the birds
slaying giants
causing chaos
5 favorite toys:
my imagination
5 people I tag to do this: I break chains.