Reclaiming Democracy

Mar 17, 2008 15:32

For as long as I can remember, if you had asked em to identify the single most important political issue we faced at any given time I would have said "the Environment." I said that because I believe that the environment is a fundamental issue. It's an issue that all other issues depend on. Without clean air, clean water and healthy soil economies fail. When economies fail, nations crumble.

I was forced to change that answer in 2000 and to reiterate it in 2004. My current answer to that same question is "restoring democracy to America." I say that because, without real democracy, we have no voice in the process and, without a voice in the process we have little hope of protecting the environment.

I first became aware of the ill health of America's democracy in 1992 when I heard Clinton supporters placing unity ahead of issues at our local convention. Since then, American Democracy has grown weaker and weaker.

The Daily Kos has an eloquent argument explaining why I can never support Hillary Clinton. (That's not the point of the piece, just my take on it.

In short, the Clintons are not interested in party unity unless the party is unified behind them. They are extraordinary politicians. They have an incredible capacity for manipulating the democratic party. In or out of office they wield real power but their actions have repeatedly demonstrated a "we know what is best for you" approach to governing.

I want a leader who will really listen to the people and be able to recognize when democratic will must trump all else. I'm inclined to believe that Obama is capable of understanding that. I may be wrong but I'm certain that Clinton is no longer capable of seeing that. She may have at one time but she is no longer that person.


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