May 06, 2007 08:56
So in my back there are muscles that for the last 8 or so months have been in a continuous spazam, this is the medical term... I know this because I saw doctors, chiropractors, Physical therapists, and finally after none of that worked I went to acupuncture...the one that worked was acupuncture, no pain no pills just needles pressure points, an electrode machine and 20 minutes face down on a bed...weird huh, well it was wonderful and I liked it alot and I wanted to go to my next session because the FIRST one made almost all of the pain go away...almost. well money caught up with me and I wanted to go but couldn't afford it because I have to pay half up front which is reasonable but still I don't have the cashola flow goin like I here it is like a month later and now I'm back to the same excruciating pain I was in, and 3 hours of sleep. Fuck the world I hate money I want some more needle work and this hurts like a bitch...If you know me well you know I'm not someone dependent on pills and such to make me give those a perspective, I just took a vicoden thats been left over from a prescription a while ago to make it all better. OWIE.