Oct 06, 2004 18:31
haven't updated in a really long time i've been real busyyy
school homework dance school homework bed : thats literally been my week
so this week is spirit week fUNN !! lOL and i lost my president election ..little upset but heyy i did the best i could sooo ... today was walk-a-thon omg 6 MILES BABYY !! i think i pulled somehting in my leg...lOL and then we went to sunsation nothing there but kristen feel into a rack of clothes and omg fUNNIEST THING alive wow !! hAH emily and kristen and then we ate then walked like 85798 more blockes and deceided not to go there anymore so we walked the 349574 blockes back and hung around then i came home and slept then dance omg it wass soooo good todayy hip hop was SOOO funn !! we have to wear like clothes noww i wore my von dutch hat pink cute up shirt pink shoes and bri's green pantss ...then in tapp all we did was talk and eat "pops" in nicoles words SOOO fuNNY !! step likes sex hair men and kerri isn't getting her permit until shes 17 and breanna isn't going to truly be able to drive by herself until shes in her 2nd year in college i love you girls dont know what i would do without you !! .
<3 jamie