Sep 23, 2004 22:34
Is deaht inevitable, or is somthing that we do to ourselves....... what is God who is he, he seems like a dictator, why not let humans be humans, u know if it wasnt for fucking religion then this war with iraq wouldnt happen, and same with a lot of wars, they wouldnt happen, some times i feal deaht is the ultimate happieness, i wish i could expreince it for a sec, or for ever, butt im still lost on how some one can take the life of somthing that was not created by that person......... why do we keep going, preetending that everyhting is ok and to be happy, well fuck that fuck them, u know what i think FUCK YOU?, u are all abunch of conformatives, and i hate it why cant we just be oursleves, and when we are ourselves, why are we judged, why should we be putt down just to make pleasure for some one els, why do we take advantage off the lost, and the hopeless, we are all that, some more than others, why cant i GET WHAT I WANT, not even what i need, butt this is what i had to say, and the questions i ask to those who are more intellegent than me, well please comment and tell me why...............