Anyone and everyone who reads or looks at my journal BETTER do this :) lol...i just want you to, so please, for me!:)
1. give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
2. how long have you known me?
3. when and how did we first meet?
4. what was your first impression?
5. do you still think that way about me now?
6. what do you think my weakness is?
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2. how long have you known me? a half of a year
3. when and how did we first meet? in band
4. what was your first impression? you were a bitch
5. do you still think that way about me now? naw never
6. what do you think my weakness is? me and ashlee pickin on your eyes
7. do you think i'll get married? yeah
8. what makes me happy? collins booty
9. what makes me sad? dykes
10. what reminds you of me? i love hooters stickers ha ha
11. if you could give me anything what would it be? the ability to play the flute cuz you suck obviously cuz ur last chair :)jp
12. how well do you know me? umm i dont no
13. ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?if so what was/is it? no
14. do you think i could kill someone? sometimes
15. describe me in one word. suck ha ha ashley think about it lol it will make you laugh
16. do you think our friendship is getting stronger, weaker, or staying the same? stronger
17. do you feel that you could talk to me about anything and i would listen? yeah
18. are you going to put this on your live journal and see what i say about you?if i had one i would
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