mmm Banana muffins

Aug 06, 2010 20:10

Just made a batch of taselby's banana oatmeal muffins, they're so unbelievably awesome! *sighs happily*

Been pretty insanely busy with wedding/work/family stuff lately, but through a discussion with a friend about my Japan posts, which are the whole reason I started this LJ, I realized that I'd never backed any of it up o_O For anyone who ever needs to download their entire LJ in a browseable form to their computer, LJ Archive is a pretty nice tool. It'll download all comments people have made too :)

Through this though I also discovered that getting rid of The Griffin's Lair a few months back broke all of the photo links in those posts. Oops. I have all the original files though, so when I get some time I'll try and restore the links.

life, livejournal, japan

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