Koto concert photos!

Oct 18, 2009 13:21

Hello LJ! I completely failed to announce my koto concert last weekend, my apologies, life has been crazy and I haven't been able to keep up with LJ at all :P

So! Catch-up time. Sadly my koto teacher is moving back to Japan at the end of this month, so the charity concert we originally were going to have in November (benefiting Children's Hospital of Columbus) got moved up to October 11th. This created quite a scramble to get ready, we were having 3 hour practices twice a week for over a month :P In the middle of all this we got a new member! Another American actually, who was also in the JET Programme and lived in Japan for a year also. Her mom took some awesome photos of our performance, here's the link for those interested :)


I recorded the concert audio-only but I haven't had a chance yet to check how it came out. I'm hoping I can put together a sort of mp3 download set soonish.

We actually had a fantastic turnout, the hall my teacher rented seated 100, we actually ran out of chairs! It was pretty awesome :)

The status of Sakura Group is a little fuzzy now that my teacher is pretty much gone. The rough plan is there will be more than one instructor now, one for people who can meet during the day, and another for those (like me) who can only practice in the evenings. My teacher actually nominated me to be that evening leader since I'm one of the most advanced people in the group. She didn't ask me if I wanted to, mind you, she basically ordered it. Part of me is honored and is like yay! and part of me really doesn't want the responsibility :/ Bascially leading the practice is helping to choose and teach the music, organizing practices and performances and all that, which is actually quite a lot of work. The good thing is we'll only practice once a month, so it might be doable. We'll see how it all plays out.

Yay koto :)


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