Birthday stuff

Jul 18, 2009 08:41

So, some very nice person has sent me When We Left Earth: The NASA Missions DVD set, presumably for my birthday on Monday - there was no note or packing slip in the package with the DVDs. Unfortunately though...I already own it, I bought it months ago. I must have forgotten to take it off my Amazon wishlist, I think that's who this DVD was ordered through. My apologies to that person...if you see this, would you mind telling me who you are so I can thank you, and ask permission to exchange it?

In other news for those who don't follow my Facebook, Sakura got declawed this week, it was time. She had a good four years with her claws intact, but now she is the Clawless Wonder, aka Pegleg Pete (Ben insists on calling her Pete for some reason, and oddly, it suits her). I'm hanging out with her today while she recovers, she seems vaguely annoyed and confused by her sore feet, but otherwise fine. My kitty's a trooper :)

This is the last weekend of my 20', odd feeling. I'm officially taking it easy and doing very little :) Cheers, everyone!

Edit: Best parody of TF2 EVER:

Hysterically funny, and great animation, too!

weekend randomness, sakura, cats, pets, birthday

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