
Feb 11, 2009 20:07

So it's been storming all day in Ohio today, and tonight during tutoring the sun broke through the storm clouds briefly. Me and Yuri looked out the window to see what was easily the most perfect, gorgeous rainbow I've EVER seen. It was amazing, a full half-bow going across the entire sky, very large and bright. I tried to get a photo with my phone...I would have killed to have had my real camera with me. Of course, only after it was it gone did I go darn it, I could have taken a series of photos and made a panorama!

Not even close...it looks so thin and insubstantial! Ah well probably just as well, rainbows are one of those things you just have to see for yourself, and this one was certainly rare and special :)

Does this mean my luck will improve?

photos, nature

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