May 11, 2006 16:43
one of the fabulous perks of working here at washoe is that as employees we get one free massage per month. the massages are perfomed by students of the ralston school of massage, because the students have to complete 150 hours of practice before they can officially receive their certification. i for one think that this is just abso-fuckin-lutely wonderful!!! i had my first one today (they are an hour long, and almost full body) and i feel like a damn noodle. the girl asked me where i felt the most tension and stress (my upper back and neck) and BOOM! she hit every knot right on. i am a little sore now, and like i said very noodly, but it was well worth it. i can't wait until my next one.
in other news, i also CAN'T WAIT until memorial weekend. it is going to be sooooo much fun. mary and i are pretty much going to rule school. jd, michael (her bf), mary and i (among many others) are going out to the moonrock to do a little camping. all the boys who are going have various sorts of rock crawling vehicles to occupy their time with. mary and i will have booze. and our pool. since there is not a drop of water to be found out there, we came up the the ingenious idea of bringing a plastic kiddie pool out there along with a couple of ginormous jugs of water. we are going to bring the water with us! what is memorial day without swimming??? our pool is going to be members only (her and i being the only members). we will have an umbrella, and we also are going to tape decorative drink umbrellas to our flasks of jack to really class it up. i can't wait to confuse the hell out of everybody out there. it is going to be AWESOME!
this weekend is mothers day and still have nothing for my mother. she as usual pulls the "i don't want anything. blah, blah, blah." but i always get her something anyway, because i know that she will be hurt if i don't. usually i am really good at finding something that makes her so happy she cries (plants or things for her garden-she's easy). i just have no clue what to do. poo poo poo poo! i need help. i have two days. damn.
alright bitches.
seacrest out! (hahahahahahaha. sorry.)
(my icon looks like meatwad from aqua teen hunger force and i think that is amazing.)