Poetry anyone?

Jun 23, 2002 07:27

I am tired. Hubby kept me up last night. Wink Wink nudge nudge say no more say no more. Which reminds me, there was a special on Monty Python last night, saw about half of it. How monty python came into being and the rest, but I didn't see the rest. Tis alright, will catch it another time...I hope.
We are off to Jeniffeffers house today yayayayayayay. Dropping the kids off at the parental units. An adult day. WOOOOOOOW How often does that happen in my lifetime anymore. In my tired stupor, I am excited about this. We went to see Scooby Doo yesterday. Emo sat through pretty much the whole thing and really enjoyed it. A take note! Emo did sit through most of it, enraptured, I was the one sitting beside him, not you. He enjoyed it! ach, nevermind, I am rambling from thoughts running through my brain at lightning speed. Hold on, this might be a good time for poetry, lets see.....
I wish words, stuck in my mind
stayed with me a while, whispering thoughts into my head
waited to be caught up in my web of sentences.
I wish sounds, stayed a while in the air
looked around for an ear to listen to their soft hums
came out of my mouth in jubilant beauty.
I wish all my thoughts could be written down
mulled over and looked right
chased away, brought to my bosom to love.
I wish I had my words back
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