Dear Yulegoat 2020

Oct 20, 2020 05:06

So, you're writing me a Yuletide fic. Thank you, thank you, thank you, and, may I add, SQUEEEE! I love my obscure fandoms, and just the fact that you're writing in them for me is enough to make me very happy; optional details are very much optional.

General info:

Do Not Wants: No anal sex. No humiliation humor (humiliation kink is fine). No unrelentingly dark fic or outright unhappy endings, though bittersweet is fine. No infidelity in closed relationships (but poly or open relationships are great). No breaking up canon pairings, but non-canon relationships in addition are fine, as is setting something before the start of a canon relationship. No stories rooted in real-world politics or 2020 in general.

Things I Like: Flirtation. Teasing. Banter. Snark, affectionate or not. Anything involving dance. Slice of life/domesticity/quiet moments. Strong characters having moments of weakness, and being able put down their armor and lean on those closest to them. Family interactions. Good friends being there for each other. Character-driven stories. Strong females. Focus on female characters. Realistic relationships, where people have flaws and not everything's perfect but they work things out anyway. Pairings of where both characters are dominant types and how they make it work. Romances that stress trust, support, equality, and deep friendship. Relationships that overcome a bad beginning to make things work. Friends-to-lovers, enemies-to-lovers, and most especially reluctant-allies-to-lovers. Fuller list of favorite tropes and narrative kinks.

I’m a huge fan of het, femmeslash, and gen, but I’m not keen on m/m slash. I love fic of all ratings and focuses: anything from steamy smut to more subtly hot suggestiveness and flirtation to drama and adventure to low-rated sweet romance to low-rated sweet gen would be delightful. (If you happen to go the explicit route, I have more on my smut-specific likes and dislikes on the Yuleporn post.)

I’m always game for AUs, of either the canon-divergence or the elseworlds varieties. Crackfic is fine. Poking canon with a stick is fine. Crossovers are fine, though if you want to do that I ask that they be with another fandom I'm at least familiar with (feel free to poke around my journal or tumblr to see). I love worldbuilding. I have a certain weakness for fluff, so long as it is not too much at the expense of plot. If you prefer angst, I'd appreciate it if you don't go overboard, but I do like stories where they have to earn their happy ending.

Fandom-specific details:

(I wrote more for some of these than others, but that's just because I had an easier time coming up with ideas for some; I would be equally happy with a fic from any of these fandoms. Many prompts are recycled from previous years, and I have already received amazing fics based on some of them, but continue to put them out there because I am of the More Cake school of fandom and am eternally eager to see different takes on them. Also, I'm just tossing out ideas here in hopes that something might spark inspiration; feel free to disregard them all if you like.)

Dragonriders of Pern

F’lar, Lessa, Kylara

My main desire in Pern fic this year is something focused on character interaction: banter, politics and mind games, maybe a bit of fluff, I just want to see the ways their personalities bounce off each other. I’m requesting characters that I love for their flaws as much as their strengths; particularly in Dragonflight-era, I see all three of them as manipulative, ethically-challenged disaster humans who are highly competent at achieving their goals but struggle to act like actual people. I’d also really love a focus on any degree of worldbuilding related to Weyr life and/or Weyr/Hold relations.

I’m not necessarily looking for F’lar, Lessa, and Kylara all in the same fic (though if you have an idea that includes all three I certainly won’t complain); but I would prefer to see interactions between at least two of the three.

For F’lar and Lessa, maybe a missing scene from Dragonflight or the interval between Dragonflight and Dragonquest or their lives later in the series (or an AU, or pretty much anything focusing on them). For Lessa and Kylara, anything that explores the degree of similarity in their personalities; either a missing scene from Dragonflight, or something where they learn to see each other as allies rather than rivals (possibly with a side of femmeslash). For F’lar and Kylara, there are any number of canon-divergence possibilities which would result in Kylara being Benden’s Senior Weyrwoman, and I can only imagine the hatesex that would result.

F'lar and Lessa are my all-time OTP; pretty much anything focusing on them would make me ecstatic. (Bonus points for Ramoth and Mnementh being awesome and/or cute. I have an especial fondness for Mnementh’s snarky commentary and unsolicited advice.) Give me fluff. Give me snark and banter. Give me being visionaries or making clever plans to thwart political enemies. Give me Lessa and Mnementh ganging up on F’lar. If gen is more your style, I’m just as interested in fic about them being Weyrleaders as I am in fic that’s focused on them as lovers.

I’m really interested in the way Kylara is written as a foil to Lessa in Dragonflight; they’re two strong-willed women with a lot in common, almost dark mirrors of each other. (I think Kylara’s character had a lot of potential that was ultimately wasted; I’m equally happy to read fic where she’s redeemed or where she’s an antagonist, so long as she’s a more competent and less one-dimensional villain than she is in Dragonquest.) For all that Kylara’s presence looms large in the later sections of Dragonflight, Lessa and Kylara don’t have any on-screen interactions; I think that’s a pity and would love to see some of those missing scenes. I’d also love to see a scenario where they learn to see past their differences and gain more understanding and respect for each other. I’m also amused by how irrationally jealous Lessa gets about Kylara, and would be very interested in fic where that’s caused not by her being possessive of F’lar but by an interest in Kylara that she doesn’t want to acknowledge (or maybe some of both).

For F’lar and Kylara, I would love to see the AU where Kylara becomes Benden's Senior Weyrwoman - maybe Jaxom doesn't survive so Lessa refuses to leave Ruatha and Kylara is the one to Impress Ramoth, or maybe Lessa doesn't make it back from the Oldtime, or maybe you think of some other way this might come about. Does Kylara eventually rise above her self-interest and build a real partnership with F'lar? Does she fail to do so and they despise each other by the end? (Either way, I suspect the getting there would be quite a tumultuous ride, a battle of wills as epic as ever Lessa and F'lar were, and probably would have involved a whole lot of kinky hatesex.)

Other AU prompts: Either Lessa or Kylara (or both) Impress a different color dragon. Fax never came to power and Lessa grows up noble in a world where Ruatha is still one of the Weyr’s strongest allies. (Do F’lar and Lessa meet each other in a less antagonistic way, possibly involving silly rom-com tropes? Do Lessa and Kylara become frenemies while socializing as Lord Holders’ daughters and then run into each other post-Search and just go “You!”?) Lessa refuses Search and defies convention as Lady Holder.

If none of those possibilities are working for you, I’d also be interested in fic about any of their lives pre-canon. Write me something about Kylara’s adolescence and how she came to have the worldview she did by the time she arrived at Benden, or what her Search was like. Show me F’lar’s weyrling days. Tell me about Lessa's childhood before Fax took over Ruatha.

Dragonriders of Pern is my problematic fave; I wholeheartedly adore it, but I’m also very aware that it has many issues. Feel free to prod at Pernese politics and social norms a bit, but I’d prefer fic that isn’t overwhelmingly salty. I’m always here for fic that makes Pern queerer and more poly than than is shown on-screen.

Feel free to check out my Pern tags on this journal and on Tumblr. I have a meta post on why I love Dragonflight (which is also a bit of a ship manifesto for F’lar and Lessa) and another with thoughts on Kylara.

Kushiel’s Legacy

Phèdre nó Delaunay

Young Phèdre and Night Court world building are my two primary interests here (and I’d be delighted to receive a fic featuring either; you can treat the character request as optional for this request). Smut in this fandom would be very gladly welcomed, though certainly not required.

The early sections of Kushiel’s Dart are one of my favorite parts of the series; I’d love fic set during either Phèdre’s childhood at Cereus House, her training as a courtesan, or the days when she’s making her marque while in Delaunay’s household. Femmeslash hatesex is kind of my crack, so Phèdre/Melisande in any time period would also be delightful. I DNW a focus on Phèdre/Joscelin, but I’d be happy to see her with any of her canonical patrons or an OC. I am endlessly fascinated by the Night Court, and anything involving any of the houses, with or without canon characters involved, would make me incredibly happy.

The motto of Valerian House is "I yield"; their focus is on receiving physical pain and any spark of disobedience is conditioned out of their adepts. Similarly, Mandrake House seems to be focused on the giving of physical pain. While masochism and sadism are perhaps the best known flavors of BDSM, and they certainly make up a large and important part of it, there is so much more to the kink world, and I'd love to see how some of those other components would fit into the Night Court. What place would there be for a submissive who is not a masochist - someone who thrills in being psychologically dominated, but has no great love for pain? What about a bratty submissive, who finds their greatest pleasure in being disobedient until broken - surely there are patrons more interested in that than the meek yielding of Valerian House. What House would a patron go to if their kinks ran to bonds and blindfolds but no more extreme, or if they wished to play out a rape or gangbang fantasy? Does Eglantine House have adepts whose preferred art form is rope?

The Second of Valerian House claims that they would have recognized Phèdre as an anguisette. So what happens in the AU where the Dowayne of Cereus doesn't think of Delaunay and instead goes with her first impulse of messaging the Dowayne of Valerian when Phèdre's fascination with pain is noticed?

Feel free also to look at my letter from last year’s Worldbuilding Ex for more worldbuilding-related prompts.

Hymn to Demeter - Homer

Hades, Persephone

I’d like fic that focuses on the relationship between Hades and Persephone, but including interactions with any of the other nominated characters is also welcome. I’m interested in pretty much anything about these two: retelling of the abduction myth, slice of life fic during or after the events recounted in the Homeric Hymn, interacting with the modern world, Hades and Persephone as patrons of long-distance relationships, something focusing on the duality of life and death in the natural world, shameless smut (dubcon or otherwise)....

The full surviving text of the Hymn can be found for free online here. (Note: I am not attached to this particular translation, but it’s one that I’m familiar with and is conveniently available.)

If you want to stick close to the Homeric Hymn, I’m particularly interested in the unseen journey of their relationship from unwilling abduction to the point where Persephone chooses to eat the pomegranate seeds. Don’t feel you have to stick too close to that source, though; I’m also very fond of retellings that put a different spin on the story (“Hymn to Demeter - Homer” as a fandom title is mostly a convenient shorthand for “the Hades and Persephone myth” to me). “Hades is a socially awkward introvert and Persephone is the scary one” is among my favorite character interpretations. I enjoy any take on their dynamic from "Persephone arranged her own abduction" to 100% nonconsensual beginning. However, I firmly believe that Persephone ate the pomegranate seeds willingly, and would prefer to reach a place of "they really do love each other" in the end (part of their appeal for me is that I have a ginormous weakness for relationships that start off horribly wrong but overcome that bad start to fall in love anyway).

I love retellings that keep to the canonical setting, but I’m also totally here for wacky AUs like modern-day flower shop or in space or A/B/O.

Alternately, the song “Mother” by Tori Amos recently struck me as having very strong Hades and Persephone vibes, particularly this stanza:

Mother the car is here

Somebody leave the light on

Black chariot for the redhead dancing dancing girl

He's gonna change my name

Maybe you'll leave the light on

Just in just in case I like the dancing I can remember where I come from

I’d love to see something inspired by that (and if you choose to work with this particular prompt I’m okay with a less positive take on the consentuality of their relationship).

Feel free to check out my Hades/Persephone tag on Tumblr.

The Lions of Al-Rassan


Basically anything about Ammar and Jehane would fill me with squee, they are pretty much everything I love in a pairing.

If that's not so much your thing, there are plenty of other stories I'd love to see. Show me something of the Belmontes' courtship or the early days of their marriage. Show me more of the trio having adventures or even just hanging around in Ragosa bantering and having UST. Show me what Jehane and Miranda meeting would have looked like if if had happened in a non-tragic situation. Write me something about Jehane or Miranda being the badass independent women that they are. Fill in some of the time between the end of the main story and the epilogue.

I didn't specify characters because I'm very fond of all the characters nominated and would be very happy to receive a story focusing on any one or combination of them; but please note that I do want a story in this fandom to focus on Jehane, Ammar, Rodrigo, and/or Miranda.

I love how rich and complex the character dynamics in this book are. I love the canon couples, I love the friendships, I love the UST, and I'd love to receive a fic focusing on any of those dynamics. I'm also totally open to OT3 or OT4 fic (but please no infidelity).

Feel free to check out my Al-Rassan tag on this journal.

Aims - Vienna Teng (album)

I’d love to see the story behind, or a retelling of, or something on the theme of one of these songs. Landsailor, Never Look Away, and Goodnight New York are particular favorites of mine, but I’d be happy with something inspired by nearly any song on the album or combinations thereof; the only one I DNW as a basis for fic is the The Hymn of Acxiom.

Vienna Teng is one of my all-time favorite musical artists, and Aims is one of my favorite of her albums, so I was absolutely thrilled to see it in this year’s tagset. I love how atmospheric and evocative her music is, and the often-bittersweet but always hopeful mood. I’d love to see fic inspired by these songs that incorporated fantasy elements (either a traditional fantasy setting or something more along the lines of magical realism), or character/relationship focused slice-of-life fic (particularly a quiet romance). Crossovers/fusions welcome.

Listen to this album (Spotify).

Some thoughts on specific songs:

Landsailor: I’m fascinated by the mythic vibes and worldbuilding suggested here. Are the characters magicians or gods or some such? They seem to have reality-bending powers. And I fascinated by the relationship suggested by the closing duet section, with the lines about “I’m a child no more” and “I want to be your bride in full”; I’m a sucker for innocent/experienced romantic dynamics and kinda get Hades and Persephone vibes here. What price must they pay, and for what? How has the narrator been “altered now for good”?

Never Look Away: I love the themes of falling in love with someone jaded and a little broken (and possibly no longer young) and teaching them to see the good in themself and the beauty in the world again.

Goodnight New York: I like the themes of transformation and rediscovering oneself. I can picture this as real-world or urban fantasy or a post-apocalyptic setting where the natural world is beginning to reclaim the ruins of a once-great city.

Flyweight Love: This song is such a beautiful love letter to long-distance relationships! I love the vibes of subtle romance and enduring partnership.

The Breaking Light: This one gives me historical / historical fantasy vibes; for whatever reason I tend to picture the characters as being warriors in a Viking saga or some such. I love the suggestion of connection to a greater whole and mystic bonds and love that is perhaps greater than death.

This is of course very opt-in, but I love when a song is used as inspiration for a fic in a more traditional fandom, and would be very here for fusion fics if you’re writing for this request. Feel free to crossover either with any of the other fandoms I’m requesting or with any fandom I’ve previously written, requested in an exchange, or bookmarked fic of.

Resources if you still want to know more after the length of this letter:

If you want to stalk me, I’m calenlily pretty much everywhere online. I do most of my fannish rambling on Tumblr these days. This journal is mostly dead, but feel free to poke around it for my previous Yuletide and other exchange letters (all under the yuletide tag) and older fannish ramblings.

Feel free to browse my writing and my bookmarks on AO3.

pern, al-rassan, yuletide, fangirl, writing

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