Dear Yule Goat

Nov 16, 2011 14:54

So, you're writing me a Yuletide fic. Thank you, thank you, thank you, and, may I add, SQUEEEE! I love my obscure fandoms, and just the fact that you're writing in them for me is enough to make me very happy; optional details are very much optional.

General info:

I only have a few major turn-offs: No anal sex, no rape, no darkfic/unhappy endings/character death (bittersweet is fine), no infidelity (especially emotional infidelity), and nothing that will set off a humiliation squick.

Things I like: Flirtation. Teasing. Banter. Snark, affectionate or not. Anything involving dance. Slice of life/domesticity/quiet moments. Strong characters having moments of weakness, and being able put down their armor and lean on those closest to them. Family interactions. Good friends being there for each other. Character-driven stories. Strong females. Focus on female characters. Realistic relationships, where people have flaws and not everything's perfect but they work things out anyway. Pairings of where both characters are dominant types and how they make it work. Romances that stress trust, support, equality, and deep friendship.

AUs are fine, crackfic is fine. I have a certain weakness for fluff, so long as it is not too much at the expense of plot. If you prefer angst, I'd appreciate it if you don't go overboard, but I do like stories where they have to earn their happy ending.

I’m a huge fan of het; I’m also a huge fan of gen. F/f is cool, but I’m not as keen on m/m. Obviously this isn't relevant for some of my requests, but if you’re writing for a canon where there are canon pairings, I’d much prefer you didn't break up any canon pairings. I'm fine with the inclusion of non-canon relationships in addition, but please no infidelity - open or poly relationships are great, as is setting something before the canon relationship started. (I include this mostly in the event that we matched on Pern and you want to write Mirrim/Menolly.)

If you write me hot pr0n, I will love you. If you write more subtly hot suggestiveness and flirtation, I will love you even more. If you write me drama and adventure, I will love you. If you write me low-rated sweet romance, I will love you. If you write me low-rated sweet gen, I will love you. It's all good.

Pretty much nothing makes me happier than awesome women being awesome.

Fandom specific details:

(I wrote more for some of these than others, but that's just because I had an easier time coming up with ideas for some; I would be equally happy with a fic from any of these fandoms. And I'm just tossing out ideas here; feel free to disregard them all if you like.)

Vienna Teng songs
Any (consists of Shine/Hope On Fire/Enough To Go By/The Tower)

Feel free to use just one of the songs or any combination or focus on/include songs that aren’t listed. I’d love to see the story behind, or a retelling of, or something on the theme of any song. Or what if the characters from different songs met?

Lullabye For A Stormy Night, Atheist Christmas Carol, Shasta (Carrie’s Song), and Now Three are also among my favorites that I think would make interesting stories, but honestly I love all her work and would be thrilled to see a story based on any of it. Though I’d prefer if you didn’t use Harbor; I actually love the song, but right now it has too many associations with a relationship I’m not yet over the breakup of.

Crossovers are gladly accepted as well; I find songs are great for fusions. I’d particularly be interested in Enough To Go By/Doctor Who, as I’ve been thinking for a while that there’s a Doctor/River story in there somewhere.

I Go Like The Raven (Song)
Any (consists of Narrator)

Feel free to take the song as literally or as impressionistically as possible; I’d be interested in any narrative you can make from it - or something that isn’t really a narrative, for that matter. I’m particularly struck by the image created by the chorus "Shine the merlin moonbeam eye/Set my dancin feet to fly/O'er the dark and dervish sky/I go like the raven", so I’d love anything you could make of that. I could easily see something with a kind of mythical or folktale feel coming out of this song. I love the themes of music and dance that are threaded all through the song and really hope they can be included in some form.

If you’re looking for a starting point, I love the idea of the (for lack of a better term) supernatural dance party from the third verse; it would be great to see something depicting that. I’d also be interested to hear how the Narrator escaped the man with the yellow coat.

Dragonriders of Pern - Anne McCaffrey

A missing scene from Dragonflight or the interval between Dragonflight and Dragonquest or their lives later in the series ... or an AU ... or anything at all focused on F’lar and Lessa, for that matter; they are my favoritest of favorites and I just want some kind of fic about them. Bonus points for the more Ramoth and Mnementh are included. Honestly I pretty much love everyone in this fandom, though, and if you’re more inspired to write about some of the other characters instead, I’d be totally happy with that too (if we could still do a duplicate fandom request, I would have put one in for Any characters). Something focusing mainly on character interaction, with lots of banter and hopefully at least a little fluff.

F'lar and Lessa are my all-time OTP; pretty much anything focusing on them would make me ecstatic. (Bonus points for Ramoth and Mnementh being awesome and/or cute.) Give me fluff. Give me snark and banter. Give me being visionaries or making clever plans to thwart political enemies. Give me Lessa and Mnementh ganging up on F’lar. Give me any or all or none of these, seriously it’s all good. (If you’re still interested in reading more of my ramblings after the length of this letter, I recently wrote a meta post about why I love Dragonflight, here).

Or write me different characters entirely. Mirrim and Menolly being friends. Mirrim and Path being the HBICs they are. Mirrim and Path as weyrlings - it can’t have been easy for them. How Mirrim and T’gellan got together. What if Menolly Impressed a dragon? Menolly in the time following Dragonsinger; she made a lot of progress in that first week, but she must have still been adjusting to life at Harper Hall for a while after that. Weyrleaders throughout the ages would be interesting - Sean and Sorka, M'hall and Torene, K'van and Zulaya, Moreta, and F'lon are all among my favorites as well. What’s the story of how Torene was searched? Or Moreta? Or Brekke? Show me some of the events of Masterharper of Pern from F’lon’s perspective. What was Larna like and how did she end up with F’lon - she doesn’t seem to have been too impressed with him initially. Tell me about F'lar and F'nor as weyrlings. Weyr life from the perspective of one of the women of the Lower Caverns would be neat. Or a dragon's perspective on the strange things that their humans get up to (again, bonus points if it's Ramoth and Mnementh). I'd really like dragons playing a large role. Pern has great worldbuilding all around, and the holders and crafters are cool and all, but it's the dragonriders and Weyr culture in general that capture my imagination the most.

I have a somewhat interesting relationship with Pern; I love it, but at the same time I feel kind of guilty about loving it, because of the unconscious sexism, classism, homophobia, and glamorized rape. I was fine with the in-canon sexism that Lessa, Menolly and Mirrim struggled with, because McCaffrey recognized that it was a problem. I was creeped out by what she didn't seem to recognize, like the all-male Weyrleader meeting in Dragonquest, the drudges, etc. So if you want to address Mirrim facing sexism and so forth that's totally fine, and if you want to not even get into that sort of thing and have bronze riders having lots of totally accepted gay sex and Weyrwomen having summit meetings, that's fine too. But I'm not really looking for a story whose main purpose is deconstructing Pern. Again, just give me people being awesome, and I'll be happy.

A note on canon: I know Dragonriders of Pern is an awfully sprawling series; Dragonflight is my favorite and I'd be happy to receive a fic just based on it (or something based just on one of the other books if you’re more interested in writing Menolly and/or Mirrim, or some of the non-9th Pass characters) if you don't know all the books/feel you need to refresh your canon knowledge/aren't familiar with the canon but want to give this one a try. On the other hand, I know the entire series very well and would be very happy to receive a story based on any of the books or combination thereof (although I do tend to try to forget the existence of Todd's books).

Thanks to edonohana for letting me borrow from her comments about -isms in Pern, as she said it far better than I could.

If you want to stalk me, I have various ramblings on fandom in this livejournal, mixed in with ramblings about my life. My writing can be found on my fic journal calen_fic as well as on AO3.

pern, yuletide, fangirl, writing

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