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Rate My Life February
I Saw Her Standing There
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If everyone says, "everything is well," what do you say?
The Beatles - Misery (...I'm in love but unhappy anyway?)
Par le Premier Oeuf!
I have a new copy of Dragonflight. En francais.
That is all.
"Throwing a tantrum and vowing undying love for F'lar probably won't get me what I want, will it?"
I'm at a middle eastern dance recital right now. OMG, so hot!
15 books meme
1. Dragonriders of Pern series, Anne McCaffery (particularly Dragonflight).
2. Lord of the Rings trilogy, Tolkein
3. Black Jewels Trilogy, Anne Bishop
4. Harry Potter series, JK Rowling
These four are the series I've spent considerable periods of my life completely obsessed with.
Sarah Palin is resigning!
This liberal Alaskan is so glad to be rid of her.
Victory is mine!
I finally have my iTunes library transferred to my new laptop.
...It only took me two and a half months.
I don't even know
I am leaving for uni in 26 hours. I have lived in this same town since I was five, can't really remember living anywhere else, and now I'm leaving the state and moving halfway across the coast, and living on my own/supposedly being a responsible adult for the first time ever all at once, and it's just coming up so fast... *hyperventilates*
My thoughts on yaoi, let me show you them
I'm really not a slash fan, never have been. My opinion on it is firmly Your Kink Is Not My Kink But Your Kink Is Okay - not, I hasten to say, that I think slash is a kink (I'm so not stepping onto that minefield), just in the sense that people have varying tastes. I love het. And I actually kind of like femmeslash, it's just m/m that doesn't do it for me.
Kurt: *Admits he liked Twilight*
Caroline: So did you identify with Bella, or Edward?
Kurt: Definitely Bella
Caroline: So now you're waiting for a creepy stalker emo girl to come into your life?
Kurt: I'm pretty sure Edward was a guy.
Caroline: Oh, so you're waiting for a creepy stalker emo guy to come into your life?
Kurt: Only if he sparkles.
Muse issues
Now that NaNoWriMo's over (86,009 words and the story is complete, incidentally), I've been thinking about what to write now. Have several plot bunnies (including one for my Yuletide ficlet), but they all seem to be kind of nebulous, not quite defined enough to start actually writing on by just a slim margin. It's really frustrating.
Interesting. I would have thought there'd be fewer memes and more writing/fandom talk and rambling about rl. But yeah, behold the craziness that is me.