Dear Yule Goat

Oct 29, 2009 03:11

So, you're writing me a Yuletide fic. Thank you, thank you, thank you, and, may I add, SQUEEEE! I love my obscure fandoms, and just the fact that you're writing in them for me is enough to make me very happy; optional details are very much optional.

General info:

I only have a few major turn-offs: no non-canon pairings, please (and yes, sorry, that does mean no slash ... well, unless you're writing me Pern fic; background slash is cool there, and I'm of the school of thought that all riders are at least bi-flexible), no rape, no darkfic/unhappy endings/character death, and nothing that will set off a humiliation squick.

Things I like: Flirtation. Teasing. Banter. Snark, affectionate or not quite so much. Slice of life/domesticity/quiet moments. Strong characters having moments of weakness, and being able put down their armor and lean on those closest to them. Family interactions. Good friends being there for each other. Character-driven stories. Strong females. Focus on female characters. Realistic relationships, where people have flaws and not everything's perfect but they work things out anyway. Pairings of where both characters are dominant types and how they make it work. Romances that stress trust and support and deep friendship. AUs are fine, crackfic is fine. I'm a huge sucker for fluff. If you prefer angst, I'd appreciate it if you don't go overboard, but I do like stories where they have to earn their happy ending. I adore het, but I love a good gen fic too.

If you write me hot pr0n, I will love you. If you write more subtly hot suggestiveness and flirtation, I will love you even more. If you write me low-rated sweet romance, I will love you. If you write me low-rated sweet gen, I will love you. It's all good.

Fandom specific details:

(I wrote more for some of these than others, but that's just because I had an easier time coming up with ideas for some; I would be equally happy with a fic from any of these fandoms. And I'm just tossing out ideas here; feel free to disregard them all if you like.)

RequestFandom1: Anne Bishop - Black Jewels series
RequestFandomChar1: Any
RequestDetail1: Something focusing mainly on character interaction, with lots of banter and hopefully at least a little fluff.
Daemon and Jaenelle are my OTP, and Lucivar and Marian are also great together; I'd love any fic focusing on either or both relationships. I would love banter and/or wacky hijinks. Any permutation of the SaDiablo family spending time together. Daemon and Surreal's friendship, pre-trilogy. More of Daemon and Jaenelle at Chaillot. Heir-era, crazy things Jaenelle and the coven got up to and/or crazy things Jaenelle and Lucivar got up to. Anything involving the coven. What happened in the years between Heir and Queen. Queen-era or later, a revisitation of the dancing scene in Daughter. Post-Kaeleer's Heart, pregnant!Jaenelle. If you feel like writing smut, Daemon in rut would be hot. In any timeline, something involving a Winsol celebration.

RequestFandom2: Patricia C Wrede - Enchanted Forest Chronicles
RequestFandomChar2: Any
RequestDetail2: Some kind of crazy "adventure" (of proportions great or trivial).
Mendanbar/Cimorene, as newlyweds or readjusting to life together post Talking to Dragons. Morwen, doing pretty much anything, just being generally awesome. Kazul, ditto. Shiara's adventures as Kazul's princess (and developing relationship with Daystar). The events of some of Cimorene's assorted illicit lessons, before she got caught. How Morwen and Kazul first met. A story from the POV of one of Morwen's cats. An event from the history of the Enchanted Forest. At least one reference to fairytale(s) of your choice.

RequestFandom3: Anne McCaffrey - Dragonriders of Pern
RequestFandomChar3: Flar/Lessa/Mnementh/Ramoth
RequestDetail3: A little fluff is all I ask.
RequestFandomChar4: Any
RequestDetail4: Something focusing mainly on character interaction, with lots of banter and hopefully at least a little fluff.
F'lar and Lessa are my all-time OTP; pretty much anything focusing on them would make me ecstatic. (Bonus points for Ramoth and Mnementh being awesome and/or cute.) Weyrleaders throughout the ages would be interesting - Sean and Sorka, M'hall and Torene, K'van and Zulaya, Moreta, and F'lon are all among my favorites as well. F'lar and F'nor as weyrlings. Weyr life from the perspective of one of the women of the Lower Caverns would be neat. Or a dragon's perspective on the strange things that their humans get up to (again, bonus points if it's Ramoth and Mnementh). I'd really like dragons playing a large role. Pern has great worldbuilding all around, and the holders and crafters are cool and all, but it's the dragonriders and Weyr culture in general that capture my imagination the most.
A note on canon: I know Dragonriders of Pern is an awfully sprawling series; Dragonflight is my favorite and I'd be happy to receive a fic just based on it if you don't know all the books/feel you need to refresh your canon knowledge/aren't familiar with the canon but want to give this one a try. On the other hand, I know the entire series very well and would be very happy to receive a story based on any of the books or combination thereof (although I do tend to try to forget the existence of Todd's books).

Bonus challenges, for any of the fandoms: Include a massage. Include a dance. Include the line, "I don't even want to know." Include a sunset. Include a long ribbon.

Extra-extra optional bonus challenge: Fusion-type crossover - make the Pern characters witches and warlords, or make the BJT characters dragonriders.

If you want to stalk me, I have various ramblings on fandom in this livejournal, mixed in with ramblings about my life. My writing is posted on my fic journal (calen_fic) and my account.

bjt, pern, yuletide, fangirl, writing

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