Oh look, another meme

May 28, 2009 19:26

Borrowed from agenttrojie

RULES: Comment and I'll LJ stalk you to find THREE FANDOMS you apparently love. And then you answer these questions about them!
01: What got you into this fandom in the first place?
02: Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?
03: Favorite episodes/books/movies/etc.?
04: Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)?
05: Do you think that more people should get into this fandom?

Black Jewels Trilogy

01: Sitting with Ashleigh on the bus one time, and she'd just read Dreams Made Flesh, and she said I should read it if I liked fantasy - which of course I adore - so she lent it to me and I liked it so much that I immediately went out and bought the trilogy.

02: Well, my tendency is to move from obsession to obsession, so for the most part I already have moved on, but I still very much enjoy the books, and every so often I'll look for new fanfics and discussions as the mood strikes me; I doubt that'll change. If I saw a really interesting challenge I might even be inspired to to write fanfic again.

03: As a whole, Heir to the Shadows is probably my favorite book, but it suffers from a great lack of Daemon. If I was allowed to choose a smaller section as a favorite, I'd go for the part of Daughter of the Blood where Daemon is in Chaillot. I also have a soft spot for the short story "The Prince of Ebon Rih" in Dreams Made Flesh.

04: Not anymore, but I did. In fact, BJT was the first fandom I ever got really active in. Wrote a bunch of fanfic, participated in a fic challenge, discussed as much as I could in such a small fandom, tried my hand at fanart, tried iconning for the first (okay, I made a grand total of two icons, but still...). And felt like I was actually known by the community for the first time; in some ways I think small fandoms are the best.

05: Absolutely. There's enough crazies and bad writers already that I'm not worried about it being "ruined", and it would be wonderful if there was more interest in this seemingly unknown series.


01: For three years running there was a marathon at the geek camp I go to every summer. As someone who had never had TV and had no interest in it, I resisted the first year. The second year I became good friends with someone who adored it, and she pretty much forcibly dragged me to see it. I fell in love instantly. And then went home and chatted incessantly about it to my parents until they rented the first disc, and got them addicted too. (And then one day, in search of new entertainment, Mum rented the first disc of BtVS because 'hey, isn't that by that same Joss Whedon guy that did Firefly?' ... but that's a whole other story.)

02: Firefly is one of the jewels of geekdom. I doubt I'll ever stop being a fan.

03: Shindig, Jaynestown, and Out of Gas

04: Surprisingly, no. Just a small batch of icons once. Somehow it never hit my "full-on obsession" button.

05: I dunno, I kinda like the fandom as it is. Of course, that doesn't mean I won't give it my highest recommendation to anyone who seems like they might appreciate it.

Harry Potter

01: Wow, hard to remember, it was so long ago... Nana Jean sent me the first three books when that's all there were, I picked the first one, got a few chapters in, got scared (I used to be the biggest wimp ever about stories that had anything that could remotely be construed as having "something bad happen" in them) and put it down for at least several months. Then Mum decided it would be a good book for the bedtime reading we did every night. I spent the entirety of Sorcerer's Stone alternating between going "read more! Read more!" and "stop, I'm scared! Stop, I'm scared!" just like I did with Redwall, and Watership Down and The Hobbit and pretty much every other interesting book they read to me in that time period. I made her reread Winnie the Pooh for me before I'd let her go on to Chamber of Secrets. By the time we finished that one, though, I was completely hooked (and it totally broke me of my wimpyness). And then a few years later I heard an interview on the radio with the creators of The Sugar Quill, thought "that sounds interesting", and looked it up. And thus I discovered fanfic.

02: Again, I've already moved on. Actually, I drifted in and out of the fandom a few times - even though I'd gone on to other interests by then, my interest was renewed for a while around the release of Order of the Phoenix and Half-Blood Prince - but, though it will always hold a special place in my heart for being both my first true obsession and my first fandom, I think it's pretty much a thing of the past for me. For one thing, the community is just too insane, plus I was kinda let down by the ending of the series. Which, again, is not to say that I won't read an occasional fic if I happen to come across one that piques my interest, and maybe even spend a few days looking around. (I have strong archive-binge-y tendencies.) And I'm currently re-reading a few of the books in French.

03: Prisoner of Azkaban. So much. Mostly because I adore the Marauders.

04: Definitely not now, never that much. When I was first involved, I pretty much just lurked, planned on writing fic but only actually came up with a handful of fragments, each quickly abandoned for the next, which never saw the light of day (and thank Eru for that! They're very very firmly ensconced in "old shame" territory). When I returned to the fandom around the release of OotP, I did a little ficcing, starting the only two stories that weren't complete crap and the second time, around the release of HBP, I discovered how crappy most of my fics were, realized the other two weren't, worked a little more on those (one of which is the only one to ever make it online, and even those two have definite marks of age by now), did a little bit of fanart, and spent some time on discussion forums, because by then I was accustomed to being more involved in fandom.

05: I hardly think that's possible, never mind necessary, ROFL.

hp, meme, bjt, fangirl

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