Author Interview; Writing Progress; and Freelancing

Nov 06, 2016 18:40

One of the things I did last summer was publish a nonfiction anthology called The Usual Path to Publication-a collection of a bunch of writers’ personal stories about how they got published. It was super fun to do and I totally want to make this a series.

The Practice of Creativity blogger Michele Tracy Berger asked me to do an author interview recently, and it is now live! The link is here. Her questions were great-very insightful, made me think. Thank you, Michele Tracy!


I still don’t want to jinx things but holy cow, you guys, Queen & Tower is going well. I told Mark this morning that I have like four more scenes left to write, and a couple of existent scenes to tweak-and I’ve just written one of those new scenes. Soon I’ll be ready to print this baby out, go over it once more to make sure I didn’t somehow put scenes in backwards, and then it’s ready to hand off to…can you even call them beta readers at this point, when they are so long-suffering and have seen so many versions of the darn thing? Well, anyway, hand it off, at least. Move on to the next thing (at least until I get the feedback). SO EXCITED I AM SO EXCITED.


And busy! I’m busy, yes, but not swamped; I actually have room for another copy editing client or two. Our plan, now that Mark is done with Thimbleweed Park, is that I will be the primary breadwinner while he works on something super amazing that will not bear financial fruit right away…so, if you are looking for excellent, affordable proofreading or copy editing, hit me up.

Okay that is all the “asking of the universe” I can do at the moment. 🙂 You all know how hard that is to do, right?

Originally published at Shannon Page. You can comment here or there.
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