People to add to friends list one day?

Aug 06, 2005 10:54

There's a meme going around asking :-

Name any four people with LJs, on your friends list or not, that you have heard a lot about, but do not know well/at all, and why you would like to know them a little better.

I do have a policy of not adding people to my friends list unless I'd consider them a friend in Real Life (so either know in person or for a long time online) so cannot name anyone in my list I don't know "at all". However all of my friends I'd like to know better and spend more time with, in most cases with several hugs. I thought instead I'd list some people who aren't yet on my LJ friends list, who I don't really know very well that I'd like to get to know better.

I know it's very unlikely that those I've listed here will be reading this but what is LJ for if not to speak to ourselves sometimes? ;-)

karohemd - several mutual friends, we've commented to each other a little on LJ enough to find common interests. Would like to meet you one day, maybe play some Magic :). Would like to get advice on photography too! I loved your work with cryx.

adjectivemarcus - we've met many times and I'm surprised I've not added you before actually so will fix that now :) When we have met it's often been at gatherings of several people so not had the chance to chat properly and get to know you. Perhaps we can fix that one day ! :-)

aegidian - we've met a few times but not really spoken much beyond Hello I don't think. I read this a long time ago and thought "wow those are exactly the kinds of answers I'd give" to most of the questions. So maybe we would be friends if we found time? Who knows :) Will try to track you down next time we're in the same place.

duranorak - many mutual friends so there's a good chance we'd get on. Perhaps we can cross paths one day.

ciphergoth - we have met a few times and said Hi, I think. Not sure if you'd remember me the next time. You seem to have strong views on many things and would be an interesting person to talk to. Again, many mutual friends and I smiled (though wasn't really surprised) to see redshira in there too since I know her from a different group than I know most of our mutual friends. It really is a small world, isn't it? :-)

vampwillow - I can never help feeling slightly intimidated by you - don't worry that is a compliment :-) I used to be intimidated by most people but once I hit uni I grew more confident. You make me feel shy and self-conscious again. I need to spend more time talking to you since we do seem to have a few things in common and I could probably learn a lot from you.

wechsler - the usual suspects of mutual friends. You crop up commenting on friends' journals every now and then and seem interesting. Must make an effort to find you one day since I don't think we've met. But what's wrong with Renault Clios?!? :-) I'm going to make "dream of 1000 cats" one of my LJ interests too - that was lovely and deserves to have more than one person list it :-)
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