Spring Rumble 2017 - Round 02

May 14, 2017 11:04

Do you love celebrating milestones, getting sentimental, and laughing at how
ugly everybody used to be? It's your lucky day, because Thursday has become a
celebration of all those wonderful things as we throwback to our finer and funnier days.
The best part? You can share it with all of your friends and followers, too!

TBTOur Spring Rumbles are inspiration based. Use the following resources
to interpret the theme Throwback Thursday through your icon. Feel free to
explain your concept if it seems too understated.

origin, awkward, obsolete, album, remember,
retro, forgotten, favorites, story, dated.

(hover for maker information)

My apologies to non-animation icon makers for the lack of TV/Movie representation. Most
of the icons included in this post are truly retro, and back when I was an icon making n00b
I was only involved in anime fandoms. I believe the techniques shown in the icons above
are universal, but if you feel uninspired by what is shown here, I encourage you to revisit
your own icon making past, which would be in keeping with the theme this week as well.

(hover for maker information)

Earn extra points by including these bonus themes in your submisson! You will receive +1 point per theme.

+ Thursday is named after the god of thunder, Thor. Thor is famously described as being red-haired and red-bearded. For this theme, you must icon a redheaded character.

+ Throwback Thursday is all about celebrating the past, so new or fairly recent snapshots aren't considered acceptable when sharing these oldies but goodies on social media. For this bonus point, icon a series or movie that has been over for at least three years. Please include the date of the release or last aired episode when submitting your icon.

+ Because Tuesday and Thursday both begin with the letter T, Thursday is usually abbreviated Th. Incorporate a word that begins with 'Th' in your submission

■   All official media types are permitted. No fan works, please!
■   Please keep your submissions Safe For Work.
■   Icons submitted for this challenge must not be shared for the duration of the Rumble.

■   Submitting an icon featuring the theme #TBT: +2 points total
■   Submitting an icon using a single bonus theme: +3 points total
■   Submitting an icon using two bonus themes: +4 points total
■   Submitting an icon using all three bonus themes: +5 points total
■   Participating in the Color Challenge of the Month: +2 points per icon (up to four times total)

■   Please use this code when submitting your icons:
Rumble ID:

Original Image: here
Themes Used: (explain if necessary)

■   Your icons will be due by end-of-day Friday, May 19. (COUNTDOWN)

-rumble, -icon challenge

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