Color Palette of the Month - Reminder

Nov 20, 2014 10:48

Hello everyone. I'm sorry that things have fallen behind a little bit here at calendarsquares. This time of year is really busy for me XD

Firstly, the voting for October's Icon of the Month could really use some extra votes. All of the icons are so beautiful, that we've got a five-way tie! Check out all of the lovely icons and choose your favorites over here~

Next, November's calendar is looking great, but there are still some slots left for those of you who have a little spare time on your hands.


Lastly, the sign up post for our Graphics Gift Exchange will be going up as soon as I can steal a little free time. I wanted to get it up ealier, but hopefully we'll still have a great turnout. Sorry, everybody!


iconsomething - a weekly icontest for all media

!pimp, !mod

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