My life does not feel real yet.

Nov 04, 2010 23:39

So it's been a long time since I've posted anything. I really didn't mean to do that, but life has been sort of crazy. I think grad school tends to swallow the rest of your life and you end up doing things like watching season two of Parks and Recreation in a continuous loop when not reading a million books and trying not to sound stupid in class.

By the way, Leslie Knope is my hero for realz. I downloaded the theme song as a ring tone.

So anyway, I spend most of my days trying to be coherent and intellectual-like. Sometimes I am successful, but I'm mostly not. I think that might be the natural state of a graduate student though. I've met great people. I love my apartment. I love what I'm studying. Despite the difficulty adjusting back into academic life, I'm pretty sure I'm exactly where I need to be.

Other things. I was at the rally for sanity last weekend. There was so many people! I thought about trying to meet up with people, but I've been so absent from life lately, I didn't really decide to go until the night before. And despite being a day behind in school work, I enjoyed myself.

Tomorrow I'm heading to Denver for a conference. I'll be even more behind in school, but I enjoy living on the edge!
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