Aug 17, 2012 05:57
Every time I say I don't really like the Daleks, along comes an episode with the Daleks and I'm reminded that they're actually sort of really badass even if their voice gives me a screaming headache.
Ten's taking a while to grow on me. I like Nine's chemistry better with Rose than Ten's, but I suppose it could just be that funny 'he was my first Doctor' bias. I'm just starting Ten-and-Martha, so I can't say if I like Martha or Donna better yet, but I'M WORKING ON IT OKAY.
Just finished the episodes with Andrew Garfield in them. Dear god I love that kid, and Tennessee accents get me every damn time, UGH. (I sort of ship him with Martha. And Ten.)
I also want to like Martha's mom, but she's following the same path that Rose's mom did, and I get that they're protective of their kids, but. I'm not saying they should be all 'yeah! go off with the random crazy time traveller and do dangerous things! yeah!' but it'd be nice if it wasn't just instant mistrust.
The next dvd has the Weeping Angels on the top of it. NOT LOOKING FORWARD TO IT. T__T
love is like oxygen,
a blade of grass,
the hawk is in his nest,
whimsical in the brainpan